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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 616  

Interstate Arrangement for Combining Employment and Wages

20 CFR 616.8 - Responsibilities of the paying State.

  • Section Number: 616.8
  • Section Name: Responsibilities of the paying State.

    (a) Transfer of employment and wages--payment of benefits. The 

paying State shall request the transfer of a Combined-Wage Claimant's 

employment and wages in all States during its base period, and shall 

determine his entitlement to benefits (including additional benefits, 

extended benefits and dependents' allowances when applicable) under the 

provisions of its law based on employment and wages in the paying State, 

if any, and all such employment and wages transferred to it hereunder. 

The paying State shall apply all the provisions of its law to each 

determination made hereunder, even if the Combined-Wage Claimant has no 

earnings in covered employment in that State, except that the paying 

State may not determine an issue which has previously been adjudicated 

by a transferring State. Such exception shall not apply, however, if the 

transferring State's determination of the issue resulted in making the 

Combined-Wage Claim possible under Sec. 616.7(b)(2). If the paying State 

fails to establish a benefit year for the Combined-Wage Claimant, or if 

he withdraws his claim as provided herein, it shall return to each 

transferring State all employment and wages thus unused.

    (b) Notices of determination. The paying State shall give to the 

claimant a notice of each of its determinations on his Combined-Wage 

Claim that he is required to receive under the Secretary's Claim 

Determinations Standard and the contents of such notice shall meet such 

Standard. When the claimant is filing his Combined-Wage Claims in a 

State other than the paying State, the paying State shall send a copy of 

each such notice to the local office in which the claimant filed such 


    (c) Redeterminations. (1) Redeterminations may be made by the paying 

State in accordance with its law based on additional or corrected 

information received from any source, including a transferring State, 

except that such information shall not be used as a basis for changing 

the paying State if benefits have been paid under the Combined-Wage 


    (2) When a determination is made, as provided in paragraph (a) of 

this section, which suspends the use of wages earned in employment with 

an educational institution during a prescribed period between successive 

academic years or terms or other periods as prescribed in the law of the 

paying State in accordance with section 3304(a)(6)(A)(i)-(iv) of the 

Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the paying State shall furnish each 

transferring State involved in the combined-Wage Claim an adjusted 

determination used to recompute each State's proportionate share of any 

charges that may accumulate for benefits paid during the period of 

suspended use of school wages. Wages which are suspended shall be 

retained by the paying State for possible future reinstatement to the 

Combined-Wage Claim and shall not be returned to the transferring State.

    (d) Appeals. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(3) of this 

section, where the claimant files his Combined-Wage Claim in the paying 

State, any protest, request for redetermination or appeal shall be in 

accordance with the law of such State.

    (2) Where the claimant files his Combined-Wage Claim in a State 

other than the paying State, or under the circumstances described in 

paragraph (d)(3) of this section, any protest, request for 

redetermination or appeal shall be in accordance with the Interstate 

Benefit Payment Plan.

    (3) To the extent that any protest, request for redetermination or 

appeal involves a dispute as to the coverage of the employing unit or 

services in a transferring State, or otherwise involves the amount of 

employment and wages subject to transfer, the protest,

request for redetermination or appeal shall be decided by the 

transferring State in accordance with its law.

    (e) Recovery of prior overpayments. If there is an overpayment 

outstanding in a transferring State and such transferring State so 

requests, the overpayment shall be deducted from any benefits the paying 

State would otherwise pay to the claimant on his Combined-Wage Claim 

except to the extent prohibited by the law of the paying State. The 

paying State shall transmit the amount deducted to the transferring 

State or credit the deduction against the transferring State's required 

reimbursement under this arrangement. This paragraph shall apply to 

overpayments only if the transferring State certifies to the paying 

State that the determination of overpayment was made within 3 years 

before the Combined-Wage Claim was filed and that repayment by the 

claimant is legally required and enforceable against him under the law 

of the transferring State.

    (f) Statement of benefit charges. (1) At the close of each calendar 

quarter, the paying State shall send each transferring State a statement 

of benefits charged during such quarter to such State as to each 

Combined-Wage Claimant.

    (2) Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(2), (f)(3), and (f)(5) of 

this section, each such charge shall bear the same ratio to the total 

benefits paid to the Combined-Wage Claimant by the paying State as the 

claimant's wages transferred by the transferring State bear to the total 

wages used in such determination. Each such ratio shall be computed as a 

percentage, to three or more decimal places.

    (3) Charges to the transferring State shall not include the costs of 

any benefits paid which are funded or reimbursed from the Federal 

Unemployment Benefits and Allowances account in the U.S. Department of 

Labor appropriation, including:

    (i) Benefits paid pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 8501-8525; and

    (ii) Benefits which are reimbursable under part B of title II of the 

Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-567).

    (4) With respect to benefits paid after December 31, 1978, except as 

provided in paragraphs (f)(3) and (f)(5) of this section, all 

transferring States will be charged by the paying State for Extended 

Benefits in the same manner as for regular benefits.

    (5) With respect to new claims establishing a benefit year effective 

on and after July 1, 1977, the United States shall be charged directly 

by the paying State, in the same manner as is provided in paragraphs 

(f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section, in regard to Federal civilian service 

and wages and Federal military service and wages assigned or transferred 

to the paying State and included in Combined-Wage Claims in accordance 

with this part and parts 609 and 614 of this chapter. With respect to 

new claims effective before July 1, 1977, prior law shall apply.

(26 U.S.C. 3304(a)(9)(B); Secretary's Order No. 4-75, (40 FR 18515))

[36 FR 24992, Dec. 28, 1971, as amended at 43 FR 2625, Jan. 17, 1978; 45 

FR 47109, July 11, 1980]
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