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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart F  

Attestations by Employers Using Alien Crewmembers for Longshore Activities in U.S. Ports

20 CFR 655.502 - Definitions.

  • Section Number: 655.502
  • Section Name: Definitions.

    For the purposes of subparts F and G of this part:

    Accepted for filing means that a properly completed attestation on 

Form ETA 9033, including accompanying documentation for each of the 

requirements in Sec. 655.510 (d) through (f) of this part, or a properly 

completed attestation on Form ETA 9033-A, including accompanying 

documentation for the requirement in Sec. 655.537 of this part in the 

case of an attestation under the Alaska exception, submitted by the 

employer or its designated agent or representative has been received and 

filed by the Employment and Training Administration of the Department of 

Labor (DOL). (Unacceptable attestations under the prevailing practice 

exception are described at Sec. 655.510(g)(2) of this part. Unacceptable 

attestations under the Alaska exception are described at Sec. 655.538(b) 

of this part.)

    Act and INA mean the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, 8 

U.S.C. 1101 et seq.

    Activity means any activity relating to loading cargo; unloading 

cargo; operation of cargo-related equipment; or handling of mooring 

lines on the dock when a vessel is made fast or let go.

    Administrative law judge means an official appointed pursuant to 5 

U.S.C. 3105.

    Administrator means the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, 

Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor, or such 

authorized representatives as may be designated to perform any of the 

functions of the Administrator under subparts F and G of this part.

    Attestation means documents submitted by an employer attesting to 

and providing accompanying documentation to show that, under the 

prevailing practice exception, the use of alien crewmembers for a 

particular activity of longshore work at a particular U.S. port is the 

prevailing practice, and is not during a strike or lockout nor intended 

to influence an election of a bargaining representative for workers; and 

that notice of the attestation has

been provided to the bargaining representative, or, where there is none, 

to the longshore workers at the local port. Under the Alaska exception, 

such documents shall show that, before using alien crewmen to perform 

longshore work, the employer will make bona fide requests for dispatch 

of United States longshore workers who are qualified and available in 

sufficient numbers and that the employer will employ all such United 

States longshore workers in response to such a request for dispatch; 

that the use of alien crewmembers is not intended or designed to 

influence an election of a bargaining representative for workers in the 

State of Alaska; and that notice of the attestation has been provided to 

labor organizations recognized as exclusive bargaining representatives 

of United States longshore workers, contract stevedoring companies, and 

operators of private docks at which the employer will use longshore 


    Attesting employer means an employer who has filed an attestation.

    Attorney General means the chief official of the U.S. Department of 

Justice or the Attorney General's designee.

    Automated vessel means a vessel equipped with an automated self-

unloading conveyor belt or vacuum-actuated system which is utilized for 

loading or unloading cargo between the vessel and the dock.

    Certifying Officer means a Department of Labor official who makes 

determinations about whether or not to accept attestations:

    (1) A regional Certifying Officer designated by a Regional 

Administrator, Employment and Training Administration (RA) makes such 

determinations in a regional office of the Department;

    (2) A national Certifying Officer makes such determinations in the 

national office of the USES.

    Chief, Division of Foreign Labor Certifications, USES means the 

chief official of the Division of Foreign Labor Certifications within 

the United States Employment Service, Employment and Training 

Administration, Department of Labor, or the designee of the Chief, 

Division of Foreign Labor Certifications, USES.

    Chief Administrative Law Judge means the chief official of the 

Office of the Administrative Law Judges of the Department of Labor or 

the Chief Administrative Law Judge's designee.

    Contract stevedoring company means a stevedoring company which is 

licensed to do business in the State of Alaska and which meets the 

requirements of section 32 of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' 

Compensation Act (33 U.S.C. 932).

    Crewmember means any nonimmigrant alien admitted to the United 

States to perform services under sec. 101(a)(15)(D)(i) of the Act (8 

U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(D)(i)).

    Date of filing means the date an attestation is accepted for filing 

by ETA.

    Department and DOL mean the United States Department of Labor.

    Director means the chief official of the United States Employment 

Service (USES), Employment and Training Administration, Department of 

Labor, or the Director's designee.

    Division means the Wage and Hour Division of the Employment 

Standards Administration, DOL.

    Employer means a person, firm, corporation, or other association or 

organization, which suffers or permits, or proposes to suffer or permit, 

alien crewmembers to perform longshore work at a port within the U.S. 

For purposes of Secs. 655.530 through 655.541, which govern the 

performance of longshore activities by alien crewmembers under the 

Alaska exception, ``employer'' includes any agent or representative 

designated by the employer.

    Employment and Training Administration (ETA) means the agency within 

the Department of Labor (DOL) which includes the United States 

Employment Service (USES).

    Employment Standards Administration (ESA) means the agency within 

the Department of Labor (DOL) which includes the Wage and Hour Division.

    Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) means the component of 

the Department of Justice which makes the determination under the Act on 

whether an employer of alien crewmembers may use such crewmembers for 

longshore work at a U.S. port.

    Lockout means a labor dispute involving a work stoppage, wherein an 

employer withholds work from its employees in order to gain a concession 

from them.

    Longshore work means any activity (except safety and environmental 

protection work as described in sec. 258(b)(2) of the Act) relating to 

the loading or unloading of cargo, the operation of cargo related 

equipment (whether or not integral to the vessel), or the handling of 

mooring lines on the dock when the vessel is made fast or let go, in the 

United States or the coastal waters thereof.

    Longshore worker means a U.S. worker who performs longshore work.

    Port means a geographic area, either on a seacoast, lake, river or 

any other navigable body of water, which contains one or more publicly 

or privately owned terminals, piers, docks, or maritime facilities, 

which is commonly thought of as a port by other government maritime-

related agencies, such as the Maritime Administration. U.S. ports 

include, but are not limited to, those listed in Appendix A to this 


    Qualified and available in sufficient numbers means the full 

complement of qualified longshore workers needed to perform the 

longshore activity, as determined by industry standards in the State of 

Alaska, including safety considerations.

    Regional Administrator, Employment and Training Administration (RA) 

means the chief official of the Employment and Training Administration 

(ETA) in a Department of Labor (DOL) regional office.

    Secretary means the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary's designee.

    Strike means a labor dispute wherein employees engage in a concerted 

stoppage of work (including stoppage by reason of the expiration of a 

collective-bargaining agreement) or engage in any concerted slowdown or 

other concerted interruption of operations.

    Unanticipated emergency means an unexpected and unavoidable 

situation, such as one involving severe weather conditions, natural 

disaster, or mechanical breakdown, where cargo must be immediately 

loaded on, or unloaded from, a vessel.

    United States is defined at 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(38).

    United States Employment Service (USES) means the agency of the 

Department of Labor, established under the Wagner-Peyser Act, which is 

charged with administering the national system of public employment 


    United States (U.S.) worker means a worker who is a U.S. citizen, a 

U.S. national, a permanent resident alien, or any other worker legally 

permitted to work indefinitely in the United States.
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