U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

IDEA Part D -- National Activities - 2003

CFDA Numbers: 84.323 - Special Education_State Program Improvement Grants for Children with Disabilities
84.324 - Special Education_Research and Innovation to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities
84.325 - Special Education_Personnel Preparation to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities
84.325A - IDEA Part D National Activities
84.326 - Special Education_Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities
84.326R - IDEA Part D Assistance and Dissemination
84.327 - Special Education_Technology and Media Services for Individuals with Disabilities
84.328 - Special Education_Parent Information Centers
84.328M - IDEA Part D Parent Information Centers

Goal 8: To link scientifically based practices to states, school systems and families to improve results for infants, toddlers and children with disabilities
Objective 8.1 of 3: Programs respond to critical needs of children with disabiltiies and their families
Indicator 8.1.1 of 1: Responsive to critical needs: The percentage of program funding priorities that respond to critical needs of children with disabilities and their families.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The percentage of program funding priorities that respond to critical needs of children with disabilities and their families.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Research & Innovation Technology (from T&M) Media (from T&M) Personnel Preparation Research & Innovation Technology (from T&M) Media (from T&M) Personnel Preparation
2001 82 79 82 85        
2002         85 85 85 85
2003         75 75 75 75
2004         75 75 75 75
2005         75 75 75 75
2006         75 75 75 75
2007         75 75 75 75

The percentage of program funding priorities that respond to critical needs of children with disabilities and their families.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Technical Assistance Parent Information State Improvement Technical Assistance Parent Information State Improvement
2001 75 90 80      
2002       85 85 85
2003       75 75 75
2004       75 75 75
2005       75 75 75
2006       75 75 75
2007       75 75 75

Additional Source Information: Published funding priorities.

Frequency: Annually.

Data Available: September 2003


Objective 8.2 of 3: Projects use high-quality methods and materials
Indicator 8.2.1 of 1: Highest standards for methods and materials: The percentage of IDEA-funded projects use exceptionally rigorous quantitative or qualitative research and evaluation methods or current research-validated practices and materials, as appropriate.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The percentage of IDEA-funded projects that use exceptionally rigorous quantitative or qualitative research and evaluation methods or current research-validated practices and materials, as appropriate
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Research (from R&I) Demonstration (from R&I) Outreach (from R&I) Technology & Media Research (from R&I) Demonstration (from R&I) Outreach (from R&I) Technology & Media
1998 60 12 20          
1999 50 70 20 50 65 20 25  
2000 77 13 11 50        
2001 69 67 50 16        
2002         75 70 55 40
2003         75 75 60 35
2004         75 75 65 45
2005         75 75 70 55
2006         75 75 75 65
2007         75 75 75 75

The percentage of IDEA-funded projects that use exceptionally rigorous quantitative or qualitative research and evaluation methods or current research-validated practices and materials, as appropriate
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Personnel Preparation Technical Assistance State Improvem. Personnel Preparation Technical Assistance State Improvem.
2001 27 33 66      
2002       20 40 70
2003       45 45 75
2004       55 55 75
2005       65 65 75
2006       75 75 75
2007       75 75 75

Explanation: All successful applications under IDEA programs include high quality methods and materials, as judged by panels during the review process. This indicator applies a more rigorous standard to assess projects that have exceptionally high standards based on a standard measurement protocol. It takes at least three years to achieve stability in review and assessment process. Fluctuations in data are expected for several years while the data collection methodology is refined. The improvement in Demonstration and Outreach activities from 2000 to 2001 resulted after significant changes were made in the application requirements for these activities. Increased emphasis was placed on project evaluation, and limits on the length of applications were increased.  
Additional Source Information: Project information.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: September 2003
Validated By: No Formal Verification.


Objective 8.3 of 3: Projects Communicate appropriately and products are used for children with disabilities and their families.
Indicator 8.3.1 of 2: Practitioners use results: Expert panels determine that practitioners, including policy-makers, administrators, teachers, parents, or others as appropriate, use products and practices developed through IDEA programs to improve results for children with disabilities.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The percentage of expert panels that determine that practitioners, including policy-makers, administrators, teachers, parents, or others as appropriate, use products and practices developed through IDEA programs to improve results for children with disabilities.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Research & Innovation Technology Personnel Preparation Research & Innovation Technology Personnel Preparation
1998   78        
1999         89  
2000 53 47 55      
2001 58 62 55      
2002       65 65 65
2003       75 75 75
2004       75 75 70
2005       75 75 75
2006       75 75 75
2007       75 75 75

The percentage of expert panels that determine that practitioners, including policy-makers, administrators, teachers, parents, or others as appropriate, use products and practices developed through IDEA programs to improve results for children with disabilities.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Technical Assistance Parent Information State Improvement Technical Assistance Parent Information State Improvement
1998 67          
1999       78    
2000 59          
2001 69 75 60      
2002       75 75 65
2003       75 75 75
2005       75 75 75
2006       75 75 75
2007       75 75 75

Explanation: Fluctuations in data are expected for several years while the data collection methodology is refined. To improve the quality of the evaluations the size of the review panel representing the variety of stakeholders in special education was increased from 5 persons in 2000 to 80 in 2001. This improvement has resulted in a much more robust and accurate measure of this indicator.  
Additional Source Information: Project information.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: September 2003
Validated By: No Formal Verification.

Indicator 8.3.2 of 2: Communication with target audiences
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The percentage of IDEA-funded projects that both (1) communicate high-quality products and information and (2) employ strategies to communicate with appropriate target audiences will increase.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Research (from R&I) Demonstration (from R&I) Outreach (from R&I) Research (from R&I) Demonstration (from R&I) Outreach (from R&I)
2000 60 40 100      
2001 91 57 80      
2002       85 60 85
2003       75 65 75
2004       75 70 75
2005       75 75 75
2006       75 75 75
2007       75 75 75

The percentage of IDEA-funded projects that both (1) communicate high-quality products and information and (2) employ strategies to communicate with appropriate target audiences will increase.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Technology Personnel Preparation Technical Assistance Technology Personnel Preparation Technical Assistance
2000 40   100      
2001 80   71      
2002       85   80
2003       75   75
2004       75   75
2005       75   75
2006       75   75
2007       75   75

Explanation: Experts review a sample of products submitted by project directors of a sample of funded projects that have ended. Raters use a scale of 0 to 2, with an overall mean rating of 1.5 considered appropriate communication with target audience.  
Additional Source Information: Project information from products developed by grantees.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: September 2003
No formal verification. Project information is reviewed by a panel consisting of independent, third party reviewers who are experts in the program content and trained in the review procedures. The panel results are analyzed by experts in evaluation research.


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