U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

ESRA: National Assessment - 2005

CFDA Number: 84.902 - Assessments

Program Goal: To collect, analyze, and disseminate information on the condition of education in the United States and to provide comparative international statistics.
Objective 8.1 of 1: Timeliness of NAEP data for reading and mathematics assessment in support of the President's No Child Left Behind initiative.
Indicator 8.1.1 of 1: The time from the end of data collection to initial public release of results in reading and mathematics assessments shall be reduced from 15 months to 6 months.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Number of months from end of data collection to initial public release of results.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Additional Source Information: NCES

Frequency: Biennially.
Collection Period: 2004 - 2005
Data Available: December 2005
Validated By: NCES.
Data will be validated by determining number of months between actual end of data collection and the release date.

Improvements: NCES has added an additional goal in GPRA, i.e., ''Timeliness of NAEP data for Reading and Mathematics Assessment in support of the President's No Child Left Behind Initiative.'' In addition, NCES is developing a monitoring system to measure external uses of NCES products. Both volume and actual use will be documented in the monitoring system, for specific user groups. The monitoring system will establish baseline measures of usage and application of NCES products from which long-term outcomes can be established.


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