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Action at the state level is a key component of the US response to the potential impacts posed by climate change. This section – State Actions – focuses on state level activities, programs, technologies, and policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the nation.

Many of these actions were initiated and/or have received assistance from the US EPA's State and Local Climate Change Program, a capacity-building program that provides technical and financial assistance to state (and local) officials and organizations that support state functions. As of November 1999, over 34 states and Puerto Rico had become partners in the Program. State partners are involved in a variety of activities including the preparation of state GHG emission inventories, action plans, demonstration projects, and informational and educational programs.

The goal of the State Actions section of the GlobalWarming website is to share results that state climate program developers may find useful in the adoption and transfer of innovative technologies and policies that reduce GHG emissions. State Actions is divided into the following three subsections:

State Action Plans – 28 states and Puerto Rico have completed, or are working on, action plans that identify cost-effective options for reducing GHG emissions or enhancing GHG sequestration. This subsection features summaries of, and links to, selected State Action Plans.

Case Studies – Many states have begun to implement programs, technologies, and policies that are resulting in real GHG emission reductions. This subsection provides background information and results (in terms of GHG reductions, energy savings, and costs, where available) for a number of state and local programs. The case studies illustrate a cross-section of the vast experience states and localities are accumulating as they implement policies that reduce GHGs.

State Actions List – This subsection provides access to an EPA-compiled database on state actions so that state decision-makers can obtain information on the types of policies that are under consideration or being implemented by their colleagues. Query options are available to make it easy to select and sort information from the database.

Legislative Initiatives – State legislatures, governors and public officials are addressing global climate change through their policy-making decisions, bills, joint resolutions, and memorials. The legislative initiatives subsection provides a listing of state legislation and public sector initiatives specifically addressing climate change or greenhouse gases.

In addition to the material in these subsections, several other tools are available to assist states, including:

Inside the Greenhouse – An electronic newsletter for state and local governments and other stakeholders that includes information on successful GHG mitigation efforts at the state and local level, information on impacts, upcoming conferences, and other features.

EPA's State & Local Climate Change Outreach Kit – Provides a one-stop source for the outreach material that state and local leaders need to inform the public about global warming. The kit focuses on voluntary greenhouse gas reduction strategies that help states and communities save money, improve air quality, and lower risks to human health.

States Guidance Document: Policy Planning to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Second Edition – This document provides guidance for developing state action plans and GHG mitigation strategies.
Associated Pages
Action Plans
Case Studies
Technologies and Policy Options
Legislative Initiatives

See Also

States Guidance Document, Policy Planning to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2nd Edition

State Impacts

Partnerships and Progress: 2001 Progress Report


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Last Modified on Thursday, January 2nd, 2003
