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BEST is applying its knowledge of program effectiveness in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to support efforts to build capacity at the local, state, and federal levels. In June 2008, we produced What's Working: A Guide to Effective K-12 Math and Science Education in San Diego County. In January 2008, we completed The Talent Imperative: Building Kansas' Capacity in Mathematics, Engineering, Technology and Science. BEST has provided support to the National Defense Education Program and the military services on program effectiveness, evaluation, and communications since 2004.

BEST sought to convene the nation’s respected practitioners, researchers and policymakers and identify “what’s working” across the country to develop the technical talent of under-represented groups in pre-K through 12, higher education, and the workplace. No comprehensive assessment on this scale had ever been attempted. Three blue ribbon panels published their reports in 2004.

  • What it Takes:
    Pre-K-12 Design Principles to Broaden Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics”
    - Part 1
    - Part 2

  • A Bridge for All:
    Higher Education Design Principles to Broaden Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics”

  • "The Talent Imperative:
    Diversifying America’s Science and Engineering Workforce” BEST was launched as a workforce initiative of the Council on Competitiveness in Washington, DC. BEST offices are located in San Diego, CA.
Copyright © 2007— Building Engineering and Science Talent






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