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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter VI  

Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor



Part 725  

Claims for Benefits Under Part C of Title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, As Amended




Subpart D  

Adjudication Officers; Parties and Representatives

20 CFR 725.367 - Payment of a claimant's attorney's fee by responsible operator or fund.

  • Section Number: 725.367
  • Section Name: Payment of a claimant's attorney's fee by responsible operator or fund.

    (a) An attorney who represents a claimant in the successful 
prosecution of a claim for benefits may be entitled to collect a 
reasonable attorney's fee from the responsible operator that is 
ultimately found liable for the payment of benefits, or, in a case in 
which there is no operator who is liable for the payment of benefits, 
from the fund. Generally, the operator or fund liable for the payment 
of benefits shall be liable for the payment of the claimant's 
attorney's fees where the operator or fund, as appropriate, took 
action, or acquiesced in action, that created an adversarial 
relationship between itself and the claimant. The fees payable under 
this section shall include reasonable fees for necessary services 
performed prior to the creation of the adversarial relationship. 
Circumstances in which a successful attorney's fees shall be payable by 
the responsible operator or the fund include, but are not limited to, 
the following:
    (1) The responsible operator designated by the district director 
(see Sec. 725.410(a)(3)) fails to accept the claimant's entitlement to 
benefits within the 30-day period provided by Sec. 725.412(b) and is 
ultimately determined to be liable for benefits. The operator shall be 
liable for an attorney's fee with respect to all necessary services 
performed by the claimant's attorney;
    (2) There is no operator that may be held liable for the payment of 
benefits, and the district director issues a schedule for the 
submission of additional evidence under Sec. 725.410. The fund shall be 
liable for an attorney's fee with respect to all necessary services 
performed by the claimant's attorney;
    (3) The claimant submits a bill for medical treatment, and the 
party liable for the payment of benefits declines to pay the bill on 
the grounds that the treatment is unreasonable, or is for a condition 
that is not compensable. The responsible operator or fund, as 
appropriate, shall be liable for an attorney's fee with respect to all 
necessary services performed by the claimant's attorney;
    (4) A beneficiary seeks an increase in the amount of benefits 
payable, and the responsible operator or fund contests the claimant's 
right to that increase. If the beneficiary is successful in securing an 
increase in the amount of benefits payable, the operator or fund shall 
be liable for an attorney's fee with respect to all necessary services 
performed by the beneficiary's attorney;
    (5) The responsible operator or fund seeks a decrease in the amount 
of benefits payable. If the beneficiary is successful in resisting the 
request for a decrease in the amount of benefits payable, the operator 
or fund shall be liable for an attorney's fee with respect to all 
necessary services performed by the beneficiary's attorney. A request 
for information clarifying the amount of benefits payable shall not be 
considered a request to decrease that amount.
    (b) Any fee awarded under this section shall be in addition to the 
award of benefits, and shall be awarded, in an order, by the district 
director, administrative law judge, Board or court, before whom the 
work was performed. The operator or fund shall pay such fee promptly 
and directly to the claimant's attorney in a lump sum after the award 
of benefits becomes final.
    (c) Section 205(a) of the Black Lung Benefits Amendments of 1981, 
Public Law 97-119, amended section 422 of the Act and relieved 
operators and carriers from liability for the payment of benefits on 
certain claims. Payment of benefits on those claims was made the 
responsibility of the fund. The claims subject to this transfer of 
liability are described in Sec. 725.496. On claims subject to the 
transfer of liability described in this paragraph the fund will pay all 
fees and costs which have been or will be awarded to claimant's 
attorneys which were or would have become the liability of an operator 
or carrier but for the enactment of the 1981 Amendments and which have 
not already been paid by such operator or carrier. Section 9501(d)(7) 
of the
Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.), which was also enacted as a part of 
the 1981 Amendments to the Act, expressly prohibits the fund from 
reimbursing an operator or carrier for any attorney fees or costs which 
it has paid on cases subject to the transfer of liability provisions.
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