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OVC Publishing Guidelines for Print and Multimedia About OVCOJP seal: Innovation . Partnerships . Safer Neighborhoods Message From the DirectorOVC Publishing Guidelines for Print and Multimedia NCJ 223646 / September 2008
Submission DeadlinesSubmission RequirementsPublishing ProcessProduct TypesWriting TipsDeveloping an E-PubProducing a VideoCopyright & Policy RequirementsNotesHome
Producing a Video

Advance planning is key to successful video production (to include VHS tapes and DVDs). A detailed preproduction plan can enhance the quality of your video, save time, and prevent escalating costs. As you undertake your video project, use the following planning tips to make your production process more efficient. OVC has also prepared a list of submission requirements for you to keep in mind when finalizing your video.


  • Determine the scope of your project and begin developing a project management plan, budget, and timeline. Select a video production company that incorporates thorough planning into its work.

  • Define goals. Think about the main message(s) you want to convey to viewers. An effective video has no more than three major points.

  • Define the target audience. The target audience often determines the length of the video, its scope (informational or training), and the most effective methods of depiction (interviews, text, or graphics).

  • Draft the script. The script should guide the filming—the filming should never guide the script. Changes that require additional filming are costly and may be prohibitive under the funding limits of the grant, cooperative agreement, or contract.

  • Select a quality production company. An effective video depends on the quality of the production work, not simply on your familiarity with substantive issues. The production company should illustrate its capabilities by giving you references and sample videotapes.

  • Review for cultural relevance. Ensure that the video will be appropriate for diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.

  • Secure written consent from video participants. Ensure that written consent is obtained before the production company takes footage of a victim discussing his or her victimization. The consent form should specify OVC's nonexclusive worldwide right to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display the recorded materials or still photography. (The production company usually provides the consent forms.)

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Filming and Editing

  • Choose the narrator, music, and graphics. Inform the production company of the narrator gender and voice tone that would most effectively convey the video's message. Review background music selections and tempo, text types, and selected graphics.

  • Participate in editing. The production company may have to refilm if changes cannot be made by deleting footage, adding prefilmed footage, or adding text. Because refilming is expensive, suggest changes that do not require additional filming or having the narrator reread the script.

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This document was last updated on September 05, 2008