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Science Features Index

Science Features are a great way to find out about the breadth of research activities conducted at FORT. Written in everyday language, Science Features include Research Briefs (one-page, single-topic pieces) and Research Spotlights (in-depth, mini-Web sites on a specific science project) highlighting the exciting work of FORT scientists.

 Smart River GIS for Improved Decision Making

 Climate Change: The Science of Impacts

 Godwits on the go: Using satellite technology to track migrating marbled godwits

 Stalking snakes: Days (and nights) in the life of a Brown Treesnake Rapid Responder

 Energy, Land Use, and Sagebrush Ecosystems: Finding the Delicate Balance

 America’s wild horses and burros: Research for management

 Radar Technology - A Tool for Understanding Migratory “Aerofauna”

 It's in the Air: The Ecological Effects of Nitrogen Deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park

 “HIP” New Software: The Hydroecological Integrity Assessment Process

 Bat Mortality and Wind Power: a problem of migration?

 People, Parks, and Pumas…and Prions

 Counting America's Wild Horses and Burros: Better Estimates for Population Management

 Conservation of Sagebrush Ecosystems and Wildlife

 FORT Researchers Meet the Challenges of Re-establishing the Endangered Black-Footed Ferret

 Ecological Forecasting: A Strategic Partnership to Predict and Manage Biological Invasions

 Science for Planning: It's More than Just the Biology

 Partnerships for Science: A “Virtual” Institute for Invasive Species Research and Management

 SWIN-WAFER: One-stop Source for Fire and Water Data in the Southwest

 Flying by Night: USGS Scientists Put Technology to Work on Bats

 BRD Conservation the USGS Way

 IFIM and the Balancing Act for Water

 Herding Sparrows for Science

 Landowners' Opinions Contribute to USDA Conservation Policy via USGS Survey

 Wildfire and Invasive Plants

 The Brown Treesnake on Guam

 They Aren't Just "LBJs"

 USGS Science Center Dedicates New Facilities, Hosts Central Region Open House

 A Sense of Place: A Place-Based Approach to Science for Land Management

 Fire History and Ecology

 Linking Migratory Shorebird Habitats: The Power of Stable Isotopes

 Finding Meaning in Numbers A Statistical Resource for Land Managers

 Taking the Long View: using satellite images to assess wildfire effects

 Survey of Citizen Knowledge and Perception of Black-tailed Prairie Dog Management

 Tracking a Western Legacy: The Wild Horse Identification and Management System (WHIMS)

 Use of Stable Isotopes to Trace the Migration of United States Tree Bats

 A Bird Of A Different Feather: DNA Research Reveals New, Yet Familiar Species

 The Children's Boreal Toad Site

 The Bats of Jewel Cave

 Past Fires Shed Light on Future

 Rescuing the Razorback Sucker

 Exploring the Impacts of Global Climate Change on Migrating Pectoral Sandpipers

 Scientists Discover Unexpected Pollutant While Monitoring Fragile Mountain Habitats

 Cloud-climbing Salamanders of New Mexico

 Wetlands May be Key to Treating Municipal Wastewater

 Partnership Returns Captive Desert Tortoises to the Wild

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