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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 640  

Standard for Benefit Payment Promptness--Unemployment Compensation

20 CFR 640.7 - Benefit payment performance plans.

  • Section Number: 640.7
  • Section Name: Benefit payment performance plans.

    (a) Annual plan. An annual benefit payment performance plan shall be 

submitted by a State agency to the Department of Labor when average 

performance over a 12-month period ending on March 31 of any year does 

not meet the criteria specified in Sec. 640.5. An annual plan shall be 

submitted by July 31 following the applicable March 31, and shall be a 

plan for the fiscal year that begins on the succeeding October 1. An 

annual plan shall be subject to continuing appraisal during the period 

it is in effect, and shall be subject to modification from time to time 

as may be directed by the Department of Labor after consultation with 

the State agency.

    (b) Periodic plan. A periodic benefit payment performance plan shall 

be submitted by a State agency when directed by the Department of Labor. 

A periodic plan may be in addition to, or a modification of an annual 

plan and may be required even though an annual plan covering the same 

period is not required. A periodic plan shall be subject to continuing 

appraisal during the period it is in effect, and shall be subject to 

modification from time to time as may be directed by the Department of 


    (c) Content of plan. An annual plan or periodic plan shall set forth 

such corrective actions, performance and evaluation plans, and other 

matters as the Department of Labor directs, after consultation with the 

State agency.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 


(Pub. L. No. 96-511)

[43 FR 33225, July 28, 1978, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, 1984]
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