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Content Last Revised: 1/23/81


Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 651  

General Provisions Governing the Federal-State Employment Service System

20 CFR 651.10 - Definitions of terms used in parts 651-658.

  • Section Number: 651.10
  • Section Name: Definitions of terms used in parts 651-658.

    Administrator, United States Employment Service (Administrator) 

means the chief official of the United States Employment Service (USES) 

or the Administrator's designee.

    Affirmative action means positive, result-oriented action imposed on 

or assumed by an employer pursuant to legislation, court order, consent 

decree, directive of a fair employment practice authority, government 

contract, grant or loan, or voluntary affirmative action plan adopted 

pursuant to the Affirmative Action Guidelines of the Equal Employment 

Opportunity Commission to provide equal employment opportunities for 

members of a specified group which for reasons of past custom, 

historical practice, or other nonoccupationally valid purposes has been 

discouraged from entering certain occupational fields.

    Agricultural worker means a worker, whose primary work experience 

has been in farmwork in industries with a Standard Industrial 

Classification (SIC) of 01-07, except 027, 074, 0752, and 078, whether 

alien or citizen, who is legally allowed to work in the United States.

    Applicant means a person who files an application for services with 

a local office of a State agency, with outstationed staff or with an 

outreach worker.

    Application card means the basic local office record for an 


    A Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) means that an 

employment decision or request based on age, sex, national origin or 

religion is based on a finding that such characteristic is necessary to 

the individual's ability to perform the job in question. Since a BFOQ is 

an exception to the general prohibition against discrimination on the 

basis of age, sex, national origin or religion, it must be interpreted 

narrowly in accordance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 

regulations set forth at 29 CFR parts 1604, 1605 and 1627.

    Clearance means activities in the placement process involving joint 

action of local offices in different labor market areas and/or States in 

the location, selection and the job referral of an applicant.

    Complaint means a representation made or referred to a State or 

local JS office of a violation of the JS regulations and/or other 

federal, State or local employment related law.

    Complainant means the individual, employer, organization, 

association, or other entity filing a complaint.

    Day-haul means the assembly of workers at a pick-up point waiting to 

be employed, transportation of them to farm employment, and the return 

of the workers to the pick-up point on the same day. For the purposes of 

this definition ``day-haul'' shall exclude transportation and return of 

workers employed under regularly scheduled job orders such as corn 

detasseling jobs for youth.

    Decertification means the rescission by the Secretary of the year 

end certification made under Section 7 of the Wagner-Peyser Act to the 

Secretary of the Treasury that the State agency may receive funds 

authorized by the Wagner-Peyser Act.

    Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) means the Dictionary of 

Occupational Titles, the reference work published by the USES which 

contains brief, non-technical definitions of U.S. job titles, 

distinguishing number codes, and worker trait data.

    DOL means the Department of Labor.

    D.O.T. means the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, the reference 

work published by the USES which contains brief, non-technical 

definitions of U.S. job titles, distinguishing number codes, and worker 

trait data.

    Employment and Training Administration (ETA) means the component of 

the Department of Labor containing the United States Employment Service 


    Employer means a person, firm, corporation or other association or 

organization (1) which currently has a location within the United States 

to which U.S. workers may be referred for employment, and which proposes 

to employ a worker at a place within the United States and (2) which has 

an employer relationship with respect to employees under this subpart as 

indicated by the fact that it hires, pays, fires, supervises and 

otherwise controls the work of such employee. An association of 

employers shall be considered an employer if it has all of the indicia 

of an employer set forth in this definition. Such an association, 

however, shall be considered as a joint employer with the employer 

member if either shares in exercising one or more of the definitional 


    Establishment means a public or private economic employing unit 

generally at a single physical location which produces and/or sells 

goods or services, for example, a mine, factory, store, farm orchard or 

ranch. It is usually engaged in one, or predominantly one, type of 

commerical or governmental activity. Each branch or subsidiary unit of a 

large employer in a geographical area or community should be considered 

an individual establishment, except that all such units in the same 

physical location shall be considered a single establishment. A 

component of an establishment which may not be located in the same 

physical structure (such as the warehouse of a department store) should 

also be considered as part of the parent establishment. For the purpose 

of the ``seasonal farmworker'' definition, farm labor contractors and 

crew leaders are not considered establishments; it is the organizations 

to which they supply the workers that are the establishments.

    Farmwork means work performed for wages in agricultural production 

or agricultural services in establishments included in industries 01--

Agricultural Production-Crops; 02--Agricultural Production-Livestock 

excluding 027--Animal Specialties; 07--Agricultural Services excluding 

074--Veterinary Services, 0752--Animal Speciality Services, and 078--

Landscape and Horticultural Services, as defined in the most recent 

edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code 


    Farmworker, see Agricultural worker.

    Full application means an application for an applicant who has 

participated in an application interview and which includes the 

applicant's personal characteristics, work history and an occupational 

classification and DOT code.

    Hearing Officer means a Department of Labor Administrative Law 

Judge, designated to preside at DOL administrative hearings.

    Identification card (applicant identification card) means a card 

given to the applicant on which are recorded identifying information and 

the dates of the applicant's visits to the local employment office.

    Intrastate job order means a job order describing one or more hard-

to-fill job openings, which a local office uses to request recruitment 

assistance from other local offices within the State.

    JS regulations means the Federal regulations at 20 CFR parts 601-

604, 620, 621, and 651-658, and at 29 CFR parts 8, 26, and 75.

    Job bank means a computer assisted system which provides listings of 

current job openings in the area, on a regular basis, for distribution 

to JS and

WIN offices and to cooperating agencies.

    Job development means the process of securing a job interview with a 

public or private employer for a specific applicant for whom the local 

office has no suitable opening on file.

    Job information means information derived from data compiled in the 

normal course of employment service activities from reports, job orders, 

applications and the like.

    Job opening means a single job opportunity for which the local 

office has on file a request to select and refer on applicant or 


    Job Information Service (JIS) means a unit or an area within a JS 

local office where applicants primarily, on a self-service basis or with 

minimum professional help, can obtain specific and general information 

on where and how to get a job.

    Job referral means (1) the act of bringing to the attention of an 

employer an applicant or group of applicants who are available for 

specific job openings and (2) the record of such referral. ``Job 

referral'' means the same as ``referral to a job.''

    Job Service (JS) means the nationwide system of public employment 

offices, funded through the United States Employment Service (USES) as 

grantee State agencies, and the various offices of the State agencies.

    Labor market area means a geographic area consisting of a central 

city (or cities) and the surrounding territory within a reasonable 

commuting distance.

    Labor Market Information (LMI) means that body of knowledge 

pertaining to the socio-economic forces influencing the employment 

process in specific labor market areas. These forces, which affect labor 

demand-supply relationships and define the content of the LMI program, 

include population and growth charcteristics, trends in industrial and 

occupational structure, technological developments, shifts in consumer 

demands, unionization, trade disputes, retirement practices, wage 

levels, conditions of employment, training opportunities, job vacancies, 

and job search information.

    Local office manager means the JS official in charge of all JS 

activities in a local office of a State agency.

    LMI means labor market information.

    Migrant farmworker is a seasonal farmworker who had to travel to do 

the farmwork so that he/she was unable to return to his/her permanent 

residence within the same day. Full-time students traveling in organized 

groups rather than with their families are excluded.

    Migrant food processing worker means a person who during the 

preceding 12 months has worked at least an aggregate of 25 or more days 

or parts of days in which some work was performed in food processing (as 

classified in the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 

definitions 201, 2033, 2035, and 2037 for food processing 

establishments), earned at least half of his/her earned income from 

processing work and was not employed in food processing year round by 

the same employer, provided that the food processing required travel 

such that the worker was unable to return to his/her permanent residence 

in the same day. Migrant food processing workers who are full-time 

students but who travel in organized groups rather than with their 

families are excluded.

    MSFW means a migrant farmworker, a migrant food processing worker, 

or a seasonal farmworker.

    Partial application means the application of an applicant who has 

not participated in an application interview and which does not include 

an occupational classification of DOT code. Partial applications 

prepared for Migrants and Seasonal Farmworkers must include a signed 

waiver for full services at that time in accordance with 20 CFR 653.103.

    Placement means the hiring by a public or private employer of an 

individual referred by the employment office for a job or an interview, 

provided that the employment office completed all of the following 


    (a) Prepared a job order form prior to referral, except in the case 

of a job development contact on behalf of a specific applicant;

    (b) Made prior arrangements with the employer for the referral of an 

individual or individuals;

    (c) Referred an individual who had not been specifically designated 

by the employer, except for referrals on agricultural job orders for a 

specific crew leader or worker;

    (d) Verified from a reliable source, preferably the employer, that 

the individual had entered on a job; and

    (e) Appropriately recorded the placement.

    Program Budget Plan (PBP) means the annual planning document for the 

SESA required by Sec. 8 of the Wagner-Peyser Act containing the SESA's 

detailed planning, programming and budget for carrying out employment 

security activities. For the purpose of JS regulations, this definition 

shall be restricted to the employment service portion of the PBP.

    Public housing means housing operated by or on behalf of any public 


    RA; see Regional Administrator.

    Regional Administrator, Employment and Training Administration (RA) 

means the chief DOL Employment and Training Administration (ETA) 

official in each DOL regional office.

    Respondent means the employer or State agency (including a State 

agency official) who is alleged to have committed the violation 

described in a complaint.

    Rural area means an area which is not included in the urban area of 

a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area and which has a population of 

less than 10,000.

    Seasonal farmworker means a person who during the preceding 12 

months worked at least an aggregate of 25 or more days or parts of days 

in which some work was performed in farmwork, earned at least half of 

his/her earned income from farmwork, and was not employed in farmwork 

year round by the same employer. For the purposes of this definition 

only, a farm labor contractor is not considered an employer. Non-migrant 

individuals who are full-time students are excluded.

    Secretary means the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor or the 

Secretary's designee.

    SESA; see State Employment Service Agency.

    Significant MSFW States shall be those States designated annually by 

ETA and shall include the twenty (20) States with the highest number of 

MSFW applicants.

    Significant MSFW local offices shall be those designated annually by 

ETA and include those local offices where MSFWs account for 10% or more 

of annual applicants and those local offices which the Administrator 

determines should be included due to special circumstances such as an 

estimated large number of MSFWs in the local office service area. In no 

event shall the number of significant MSFW local offices be less than 

100 offices on a nationwide basis.

    Significant bilingual MSFW local offices shall be those designated 

annually by ETA and include those significant MSFW offices where 10% or 

more of MSFW applicants are estimated to require service provisions in 

Spanish unless the Administrator determines other local offices also 

should be included due to special circumstances.

    Solicitor means the chief legal officer of the U.S. Department of 

Labor or the Solicitor's designee.

    Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) means a metropolitan 

area designated by the Bureau of Census which contains (1) at least one 

city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or (2) twin cities with a combined 

population of at least 50,000.

    State shall include the fifty States, the District of Columbia, 

Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

    State Administrator means the chief official of the State Employment 

Security Agency (SESA).

    State agency means the State job service agency designated under 

section 4 of the Wagner-Peyser Act to cooperate with the USES in the 

operation of the job service system.

    State Employment Security Agency (SESA) means the State agency 

which, under the State Administrator, contains both the State Employment 

service agency (State agency) and the State unemployment compensation 


    State hearing official means a State official designated to preside 

at State

administrative hearings convened to resolve JS-related complaints 

pursuant to subpart E of part 658 of this chapter.

    Supportive services means services other than employment or training 

that are needed to enable individuals to obtain or retain employment, or 

to participate in employment and training programs.

    Tests means a standardized method of measuring an individual's 

possession of, interest in, or ability to acquire, job skills and 

knowledge. Use of tests by employment service staff must be in 

accordance with the provisions of:

    (1) 41 CFR part 60-3, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection 


    (2) 29 CFR part 1627, Records To Be Made or Kept Relating to Age; 

Notices To Be Posted; Administrative Exemptions; and

    (3) The Department of Labor's regulations on Nondiscrimination on 

the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting 

from Federal Financial Assistance, which have been published as 29 CFR 

part 32 at 45 FR 66706 (Oct. 7, 1980).

    Training means a planned, systematic sequence of instruction or 

other learning experience on an individual or group basis under 

competent supervision, which is designed to impart skills, knowledge, or 

abilities to prepare individuals for employment.

    Transaction means a single ES activity performed on behalf of an 

individual seeking assistance and/or the result of such an activity, 

e.g., applicant registration referral to a job, referral to a supportive 

service, counseling interview, testing, job development, job placement, 

enrollment in training, and inactivation of an applicant registration.

    United States Employment Service (USES) means the component of the 

Employment and Training Administration of DOL which was established 

under the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 to promote and develop a national 

system of public job service offices.

    Vocational Plan means a plan developed jointly by a counselor or 

counselor trainee and the applicant which describes: (1) The applicant's 

short-range and long-range occupational goals and (2) the actions to be 

taken to place the plan into effect.

    Work Incentive Program (WIN) means the employment and training 

program under part C of title IV of the Social Security Act, 

administered by a State agency (such as the State employment service) or 

another public or nonprofit private agency.

(Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 49 et seq.; 5 U.S.C. 

301; and 38 U.S.C. chapters 41 and 42)

[45 FR 39457, June 10, 1980. Redesignated and amended at 7767 and 7768, 

Jan. 23, 1981]

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