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Collaborative Science and Technology Network for Sustainability (CNS)

Principal Investigator Abstract/Presentation Presentation
Bell, Kathleen P. Sustainable Lake Management in Maine’s Changing Landscape Print Version (PDF) (8 pp, 701 K)
Fiksel, Joseph Development of a Software Toolkit to Support Industrial Ecology Networks Print Version (PDF) (12 pp, 820 K)
Geibig, Jack Sustainable Building Materials and Practices during Gulf Coast Reconstruction Print Version (PDF) (6 pp, 275 K)
Katnik, Don Mapping Regional Development for Smart Growth Planning to Minimize Degradation of Water Quality and to Enhance Green Infrastructure Print Version (PDF) (7 pp, 167 K)
Levine, Jonathan Metropolitan Accessibility and Transportation Sustainability: Comparative Indicators for Policy Reform Print Version (PDF) (9 pp, 1.05 MB)
Qiu, Zeyuan Protection of Critical Source Areas for Achieving Long-term Sustainability of Water Resources in Rockaway Creek Watershed Print Version (PDF) (6 pp, 35 K)
Saphores, Jean-Daniel Building Sustainability Indicators to Assess the Physical, Social, and Economic Values of Greening Cities - A Study of the Million Trees Initiatives in Los Angeles, CA Print Version (PDF) (6 pp, 206 K)
Sartori, Jason Blueprint for the Future of Maryland Print Version (PDF) (6 pp, 340 K)
Taupier, Rick Energy, Water, and Land Use: A Framework for Incorporating Science into Sustainable Regional Planning Print Version (PDF) (6 pp, 23 K)
Turaga, Rama Mohana Promoting Sustainable Pollutant Control Policies through Consideration of Social and Biological Indicators: An Application to Mercury Control in New England Print Version (PDF) (7 pp, 467 K)
Young, Steve Panel: Getting to Shared Information (Distributed Decision-Making) Print Version (PDF) (11 pp, 611 K)

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