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Paper Use

Using electronic transmission, automation and two-sided printing to reduce our paper usage

graphic of green bar

More than 99 million tons of paper and paperboard were used in the U.S. in 2005 (Paper Industry Association Council Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.). We also know that paper and paperboard are the largest component of municipal solid waste - 34% of the U.S. waste stream (Municipal solid Waste in the United States, 2005 Facts and Figures (PDF) (164 pp., 2.45 MB, about PDF)). Americans use and throw away a lot of paper!

Reducing our paper usage provides environmental and economic benefits:

Our daily practices – where we work and where we live -- present many opportunities to reduce our paper use.

Walking the Talk

At EPA New England we're taking steps to reduce our paper usage through three projects led by our regional Green Team:

Electronic Transmission Saving paper with office automations

Printing Minimizing the use of paper from computer printing

Mail Using automation to reduce the paper usage and electronic costs of bulk mailings

What You Can Do

Photo of a lake surrounded by forest.Use the links below for information on reducing paper usage.

Paper Consumption, Using Less Wood Quick Facts Series, Resource Conservation Alliance (PDF) (2 pp., 1.01 MB, about PDF) Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.
Statistics on paper consumption in the US, impacts on the environment, techniques for reducing paper usage in the office, links for more information

Reducing Office Paper Waste, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, May 2004 (PDF) (6 pp., 119 KB, about PDF) Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.
Businesses and institutions are discovering they can reduce costs and preserve our natural resources by reducing, reusing and recycling paper.

Creating a Paper Reduction Campaign, California Integrated Waste Management Board Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.

Business Junk Mail Reduction Project Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.

Recycling: in the workplace, Paper Industry Association Council Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.
Resources and tips for developing and promoting a workplace recycling program

The Measure of Success - Calculating Waste Reduction, EPA HQ (PDF) (18 pp., 1.64 MB, about PDF)
Information on developing a waste reduction program and evaluating its impact.

Tips for Waste Reduction in Schools, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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