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Green Meetings

Reducing the environmental impact of the meetings we host and those we attend

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Whether it's a half-day workshop or a large conference, meetings have environmental costs:

The environmental costs of meetings can be lowered when we make them greener.  A greener meeting can also be great for business, save time and money, and help educate attendees and the public about environmental issues.

Walking the Talk

At EPA New England we're taking several steps to green our meetings. Our Green Team is:

We're also promoting the use of sustainable modes of transportation and establishing purchasing preferences for green hotels and meeting facilities.  Efforts to educate staff include a fact sheet, EPA New England Green Team and Green Meetings (September 2005) our Lunch & Learn sessions, and the Green Notes series.  For more information about these related Green Team projects:

Educating Employees

What You Can Do

Whatever your role -- whether you plan, host, supply or attend meetings -- you can help make each event a little greener.  Improvements can be made at each step of the way, from finding a venue to planning the menu. Use the links below to learn more.

Blue Green Meetings, Ocean Blue Foundation Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.
A range of information organized for hosts/planners and suppliers, including:

Planning Environmentally Aware Events, EPA Office of Solid Waste
This site challenges readers to imagine such an event, providing information on how to make it happen: Nuts & Bolts, Case Studies, and A Planning Checklist

Green Conventions
The Green Conventions site highlights success stories from recent large conventions and provides numerous links that will assist event planners in making their event "greener".

Greening Your Meetings & Conferences, A Guide for Federal Purchasers, EPA, draft January 2004
Helping government purchasers consider environmental factors when planning events.

Green Meetings, EPA's One Stop Information Source for Green Meetings
Links to resources and green meeting initiatives

Green Meeting Industry Council Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.
Working to improve meeting management practices by promoting environmentally responsible strategies  

Green Meetings Report, 2004, Convention Industry Council Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.
Best practices for event organizers and suppliers to use as guidelines for implementing policies of sustainability.

Green Hotel Initiative, Ceres Exit EPA. Click for disclaimer.
A program to increase and demonstrate the market demand for environmentally responsible hotel services.

How to hold a green meeting, EPA Region 3
Tips and links

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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