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Educating Employees

Sharing information and ideas to help us make better decisions at work, at home and at play

graphic of green bar

When we, as citizens, learn about an environmental issue – whether it’s trash, Learning about products and services at our Green Expo.energy consumption, or water  pollution, we can more clearly see the impacts of  our choices.  With increased awareness and understanding, we’re better able to make informed decisions.

As an environmental regulatory agency, EPA works to ensure that the businesses, government agencies and citizens of New England have access to the information they need to be good environmental stewards and to comply with their regulatory obligations. At EPA New England, our Green Team is working to ensure that the EPA regional employees also get the information they need to be good stewards and make environmentally sustainable choices in their daily lives.

Walking the Talk

Our Green Team is using several approaches to help us educate ourselves.

Green Notes
Since 2004, we’ve been writing Green Notes to provide EPA New England staff with information on a wide range of issues. Sent as regular e-mail messages, more than 20 Green Notes have provided practical tips and resources on such topics as green ideas for the holidays, reducing your heating bill, green travel, composting, green landscaping, and stopping unsolicited mail.

Green Expo
Educational diplays at the Green Expo.Our annual Green Expo is a showcase of environmentally preferable products and services. First held on Earth Day in 2003, the fair has become a very popular event. Our April 2006 Green Expo brought together more than 75 exhibitors and 300 regional EPA employees to:

If you‘re a vendor of an environmentally preferable product or service and would like more information about this event, please contact us.

What You Can Do

Get the information you need to make informed choices. Share it with others.
Here are some places to start:

Climate Change
What You Can Do

Energy and New England’s Environment
Energy, EPA New England: Greening our Operations

Green Buildings
EPA New England Green Buildings
Green Buildings, EPA New England: Greening our Operations

Pollution Prevention

Pesticides & Integrated Pest Management

Transportation and Fuels
Transportation, EPA New England: Greening our Operations
Clean Marine Engines

Waste Reduction and Management
Solid Waste in New England
Recycling and Reuse, EPA New England: Greening our Operations

On the Water – Safe Boating, Fishing and Swimming

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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