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Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: 2003-04
With a Special Analysis of the Net Price of Attendance and Federal Education Tax Benefits

SE Table

Compendium Tables Section One

Table 1.1 Average tuition and fees, average price of attendance, and percentage of undergraduates enrolled in postsecondary institutions who received any financial aid, any grants, or student loans, and among those receiving aid, the average amounts of aid received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.2 Percentage of undergraduates enrolled in postsecondary institutions who received federal, state, institutional, or other grants, and among those receiving aid, the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.3 Among all undergraduates (aided and unaided) enrolled in postsecondary institutions, average price of attendance, grant aid, student loan, total aid, price minus all grants, and price minus total aid, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.4 Among all undergraduates (aided and unaided) enrolled in postsecondary institutions, average tuition, and fees, average grant amount, percentage with zero net tuition, and average net tuition amounts, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.5 Percentage of undergraduates enrolled in postsecondary institutions who received various combinations of federal grants, veterans benefits, or estimated education tax benefits and the estimated average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.6 Among all undergraduates (aided and unaided) enrolled in postsecondary education, average price of attendance, average federal grants, veterans, and estimated tax benefits, average total grants, veterans, and estimated tax benefits, and average net price of attendance, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

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Compendium Tables Section Two

Table 2.1A Average price of attendance, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.1B Average price of attendance for full-time/full-year undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.1C Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by price of attendance and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.2A Average tuition and fees for undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.2B Average tuition and fees for full-time/full-year undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.2C Average tuition and fees for part-time or part-year undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.2D Percentage distribution of all undergraduates, by tuition and fees and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

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Compendium Tables Section Three

Table 3.1A Percentage of undergraduates receiving aid, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.1B Average amount of aid received by aided undergraduates, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.1C Percentage of undergraduates receiving any aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.1D Average amount of total aid received by undergraduates who received any aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.2A Percentage of undergraduates receiving federal aid, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.2B Average amount of federal aid received by undergraduates who received federal aid, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.2C Percentage of undergraduates receiving federal aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.2D Average amount of federal aid received by undergraduates who received federal aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.3A Percentage of undergraduates receiving state aid, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.3B Average amount of state aid received by undergraduates who received state aid, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.3C Percentage of undergraduates receiving state aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.3D Average amount of state aid received by undergraduates who received state aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.4A Percentage of undergraduates receiving institutional aid, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.4B Average amount of institutional aid received by undergraduates who received institutional aid, by type of aid and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.4C Percentage of undergraduates receiving institutional aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.4D Average amount of institutional aid received by undergraduates who received institutional aid, by type of institution and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.5A Percentage distribution of aided undergraduates, by combination of financial aid received and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.5B Average amount of financial aid received by undergraduates who received various combinations of financial aid, by selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.6A Percentage of undergraduates in public 4-year institutions receiving financial aid, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.6B Average amount of financial aid received by aided undergraduates in public 4-year institutions, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.7A Percentage of undergraduates in public 2-year institutions receiving financial aid, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.7B Average amount of financial aid received by aided undergraduates in public 2-year institutions, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.8A Percentage of undergraduates in private not-for-profit 4-year institutions receiving financial aid, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.8B Average amount of financial aid received by aided undergraduates in private not-for-profit 4-year institutions, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

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Compendium Tables Section Four

Table 4.1A Average net price (price of attendance less total aid) of postsecondary education among undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.1B Average price of attendance less all grants among undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.1C Average price of attendance less federal grants among undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.1D Average net tuition (tuition and fees less total grants) among undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.1E Average net price (price of attendance less total aid) of postsecondary education among dependent undergraduates, by dependent student family income and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.1F Average net price (price of attendance less total aid) of postsecondary education among independent undergraduates, by independent student income and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.1G Average net price (price of attendance less total aid) of postsecondary education among full-time/full-year undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.1H Average net tuition (tuition and fees less total grants) among full-time/full-year undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.2 Average federal expected family contribution (EFC) among undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.3A Percentage of undergraduates who have need for federal aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.3B Average financial need among undergraduates who have need, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.4A Percentage of undergraduates who have remaining need after receiving financial aid (if any), by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.4B Average amount of remaining financial need among undergraduates who have need after receiving financial aid (if any), by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.5A Among undergraduates with financial need, the percentage who received any financial aid, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 4.5B Average amount of financial aid received by undergraduates who had need, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

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Compendium Tables Section Five

Table 5.1A Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by dependency status and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 5.1B Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by attendance status and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 5.1C Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by student housing and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 5.2A Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by race/ethnicity and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 5.2B Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by gender, citizenship, and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 5.3 Percentage distribution of dependent undergraduates, by parents' income and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 5.4 Percentage distribution of independent undergraduates, by students' income and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 5.5 Percentage distribution of undergraduates, by type of institution and selected institutional and student characteristics: 2003–04

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