U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Historic Preservation
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Cultural resources (also known as heritage assets) include: archaeological sites (both prehistoric and historic and their associated documentation), buildings and structures, landscapes, objects, and historic documents. These items form a tangible links with the past. As an agency of the Federal government, the Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is responsible for, and committed to, protecting and managing these irreplaceable resources in a spirit of stewardship for future generations to understand and enjoy. A Cultural Resources Management (CRM) program was established at USFWS in 1970s to manage the rich array of cultural resources under its jurisdiction. Its primary goal is to:
  • identify, evaluate, and encourage preservation of cultural resources
  • manage museum property collections
  • consult with a broad array of interested parties
  • promote heritage education
  • provide expertise to FWS programs such as, Federal Assistance, Partners for Fish and Wildlife, Realty, Endangered Species, Refuges, Fire, Planning with respect to Cultural Resrouce needs
Since its inception, the program has expanded as cultural resource laws, requirements, and public concerns, continue to increase. The Federal Preservation Officer, located in Arlington Virginia, coordinates the USFWS CRM program with many responsibilities delegated to regional staff. These include professional archaeologists, historians, and museum specialists. Each cultural resource professional in the FWS meets the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualification standards for historic preservation qualifying them to conduct this type of work. If you have questions relating to the USFWS cultural resources, please feel free to contact any one of our staff !

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