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Regional Collaboration: Issue Area Strategy Teams - Key Areas for Great Lakes Restoration and Protection


Map of the North American Great Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario

Regional Collaboration

Federal agencies, Great Lakes Governors, Great Lakes Mayors, Great Lakes Tribes, and Members of the Great Lakes States Congressional Delegation together are convening a collaboration to restore and protect the Great Lakes ecosystem.





The Issue Area Strategy Teams, made up of government and organizational representatives, are the working bodies that produced draft recommended strategic action plans for consideration by members of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration.

The Strategy Teams listed below were organized around eight of the nine priorities established by the Council of Great Lakes Governors on October 1, 2003. These priorities subsequently were adopted by the Great Lakes Cities Initiative as well. Note: the first of the nine Governor’s priorities addressed water use and diversion issues. This priority issue is being addressed through ongoing binational efforts to implement the Great Lakes Charter Annex of 2001 Exit disclaimer so it is not included in the scope of the Strategy Teams.

Issue Area Strategy Teams

Information about the issues that were covered by each Team, and co-chair contacts, is summarized on Team pages:


Overarching considerations

In addition to the specific issue areas addressed by individual Teams, the overarching issues of human health, research and information, and tribal perspectives were considered by all of the Strategy Teams as they pursued their work. Human health issues are discussed in a number of recommendations made by the Strategy Teams, particularly the Coastal Health Team, the Persistent Toxics Team, and the Areas of Concern/Sediment Team. Tribal interests and perspectives are summarized in the Executive Summary under the section entitled “Role of Tribal Nations”. Research and monitoring issues are included chiefly in recommendations from the Indicators and Information Team.


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the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Members.



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