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Regional Collaboration

Map of the North American Great Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario

Federal agencies, Great Lakes Governors, Great Lakes Mayors, Great Lakes Tribes, and Members of the Great Lakes States Congressional Delegation together are convening a collaboration to restore and protect the Great Lakes ecosystem.


exit EPA (About PDF)

EPA is hosting this information on behalf of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Members.

Regional Collaboration
Interagency Task Force

The Task Force brings together ten U.S. Cabinet and Agency heads to coordinate restoration of the Great Lakes. Created by an Executive Order from President Bush on May 18, 2004, the Task Force will focus on outcomes like cleaner water and sustainable fisheries, and target measurable results. Together, the ten agencies administer more than 140 federal programs that fund and manage restoration efforts.

In addition, the President directed that EPA work with relevant states and cities to convene a regional collaborative effort. Former EPA Administrator Mike Leavitt met with the Chairs of the Council of Great Lakes Governors and the Great Lakes Cities Initiative on May 18, 2004 and scheduled meetings with all eight Great Lakes Governors during the remainder of May.





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