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Legacy Act links

Great Lakes Legacy Act

Program Information

Underway and Completed  Projects

Information for Applicants

Contaminated Sediments

Underway and Completed Projects

Several Great Lakes Legacy Act Projects have been completed and several more are currently underway. Learn more about these projects, what has been accomplished, and what the next steps to delisting are at several sites around the Great Lakes.

Remediation Projects Underway
Kinnickinnic River, Wisconsin
Remediation Projects CompletedGreat Lakes Legacy Act Projects - project site location map
Ashtabula, Ohio
Black Lagoon, Michigan
Hog Island, Wisconsin
Ruddiman Creek, Michigan
St. Marys River / Tannery Bay (Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan)
Projects to Monitor and Evaluate
Buffalo River, New York
Grand Calumet, Indiana
 Ryerson Creek, Michigan
Riverview, Michigan
Eighteenmile Creek, New York
Ottawa River, Ohio
Division St. Outfall, Michigan  





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