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Evaluation of Aggregate Exposures at Contaminated Sites

Science Contact
Eletha G. Brady-Roberts
by phone at:   513-569-7662
by fax at:   513-569-7916
by email at:  roberts.eletha@epa.gov

Objective/Intended Use

To understand how risk assessment is incorporated into the Brownfields site cleanup process and how risk assessment was utilized at contaminated sites that have completed or are going through the voluntary cleanup program in their state. The paper will provide a general overview of risk assessment approaches or methods that are being implemented at contaminated sites. The paper can be used to assist site assessors in identifying (a) potential contaminants at various types of sites, (b) pathways by which contaminants are being transported, and (c) environmental and human health concerns associated with possible land-use changes.


Brownfields are abandoned or underutilized properties that are not being redeveloped because of the possibility that the property is contaminated. The problems caused by Brownfields include health problems for humans and wildlife exposed to the contamination on the sites, lost tax revenue and jobs, and increased urban sprawl. These problems have led to the development of state Brownfields/voluntary cleanup programs which assist in cleanups and provide assurances relieving site owners of properties that have completed the program of future environmental liability. Several methods for developing site-specific cleanup levels generally are available to a site owner, including substitution of site-specific data into equations provided by the state and using other equations or models approved by the state to develop cleanup levels.

The paper will provide a detailed summary of Brownfields/voluntary cleanup programs in several states. An analysis of similarities and differences among the various programs will be presented. A matrix will be developed and populated with information based on at least 15 contaminated sites. The matrices shall include pertinent information such as (but not limited to) the geographical location, the type and size of facility, historical, topography, demographic information within a specified radius, type of site assessment (risk based corrective action vs. traditional risk assessment), planned end-use, health concerns of the affected community, objective of the cleanup, successes and measures of success, exposure pathways that were evaluated, routes of exposure being considered, data-quality-objectives, driver chemicals, suspected migration pathways, etc. In addition to compiling the state information, a literature search will be performed to obtain available information on specific BF redevelopments.

An analysis of the data will be conducted to identify common trends in conducting site-specific assessments and determine triggers for including additional exposure pathways.

In addition, this project will provide information to the National Risk Management Research Laboratory related to their Decision Framework for Redeveloping Contaminated Sites.

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