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Industry Facts

The top 4 companies account for 62% of revenue in this industry.

Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite) (NAICS 5172)

For more statistics on this industry, see the
Industry Statistics Sampler.

For comparisons 1997 to 2002, see Comparative Statistics.

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in 2002

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Revenue (Mil $) 99,193
Payroll (Mil $) 13,207
Employees 281,415
Establishments 11,155

Industry Snapshot FAQ

Industry Ratios 2002
Total revenue (Mil $) 99,193
Revenue per establishment ($000) 8,892
Revenue per employee ($) 352,479
Revenue per $ of payroll ($) 7.51
Annual payroll per employee ($) 46,930
Employees per establishment 25
Revenue per capita ($) 344
Establishments per million residents 38

Number of establishments

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