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Industry Facts

Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Economy-Wide Key Statistics

Sales per Employee

This industry had 51,000 guestrooms in 2002.

Other traveler accommodation (NAICS 72119)

For more statistics on this industry, see the
Industry Statistics Sampler.

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in 2002

Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Economy-Wide Key Statistics

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Industry Ratios 2002 1997
Total sales (Mil $) 1,125 863
Sales per establishment ($000) 255 237
Sales per employee ($) 53,188 45,913
Sales per $ of payroll ($) 4.05 4.19
Annual payroll per employee ($) 13,118 10,965
Employees per establishment 4.8 5.2
Sales per capita ($) 3.91 3.16
Establishments per million residents 15 13

Total Sales

2002 1997
Sales (Mil $) 1,125 863
Payroll (Mil $) 277 206
Employees 21,154 18,786
Establishments 4,404 3,634

Sales Per Capita ($)

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