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Industry Facts

Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Economy-Wide Key Statistics

Sales per Employee

The first 2007 Economic Census data for this industry category will be published in March 2009

Motor vehicle and parts dealers (NAICS 441)

For more statistics on this industry, see the
Industry Statistics Sampler.

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in 2002

Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Economy-Wide Key Statistics

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Industry Ratios 2002 1997
Total sales (Mil $) 801,740 645,368
Sales per establishment ($000) 6,407 5,263
Sales per employee ($) 434,431 375,440
Sales per $ of payroll ($) 12 12
Annual payroll per employee ($) 34,976 29,226
Employees per establishment 14 14
Sales per capita ($) 2,782 2,367
Establishments per million residents 434 449

Total Sales

2002 1997
Sales (Mil $) 801,740 645,368
Payroll (Mil $) 64,549 50,239
Employees 1,845,496 1,718,963
Establishments 125,139 122,633

Sales Per Capita ($)

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