1997 Economic Census:
Comparative Statistics for Indiana
1987 SIC Basis: Manufacturing




Manufacturing by Industry (4-digit SIC)
Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope and methodology.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. An alternate display has fewer columns.

SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Value of Shipments
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
  Manufacturing 9,361 9,028 3.7 143,606,930 104,985,715 36.8 637,736 592,904 7.6 22,476,650 17,964,071 25.1
20 Food and kindred products 369 399 -7.5 12,176,949 9,235,742 31.8 35,185 34,746 1.3 1,068,140 878,475 21.6
22 Textile mill products 40 34 17.6 D D N (1000-2499) (1000-2499) N D D N
23 Apparel and other textile products 208 197 5.6 D 845,057 N (5000-9999) 9,920 N D 169,150 N
24 Lumber and wood products 799 767 4.2 3,843,529 2,271,625 69.2 27,174 21,983 23.6 696,773 451,219 54.4
25 Furniture and fixtures 348 317 9.8 3,244,015 2,189,479 48.2 25,045 22,732 10.2 671,525 537,155 25.0
26 Paper and allied products 185 172 7.6 3,173,941 2,575,540 23.2 15,635 15,133 3.3 502,819 418,332 20.2
27 Printing and publishing 1,205 1,297 -7.1 4,092,077 3,524,913 16.1 36,287 36,678 -1.1 1,045,099 911,643 14.6
28 Chemicals and allied products 278 256 8.6 12,822,842 10,023,089 27.9 20,363 22,770 -10.6 1,024,452 936,752 9.4
29 Petroleum and coal products 60 57 5.3 D 4,233,685 N (2500-4999) 3,439 N D 146,435 N
30 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 633 597 6.0 7,552,346 5,430,441 39.1 55,050 46,466 18.5 1,491,577 1,124,054 32.7
31 Leather and leather products 28 36 -22.2 145,812 214,335 -32.0 1,567 2,430 -35.5 30,452 32,503 -6.3
32 Stone, clay, and glass products 467 452 3.3 3,249,942 2,090,563 55.5 18,514 15,785 17.3 622,439 446,760 39.3
33 Primary metal industries 310 301 3.0 20,351,532 15,340,673 32.7 67,257 65,973 1.9 3,114,074 2,526,209 23.3
34 Fabricated metal products 1,192 1,137 4.8 11,627,381 7,449,915 56.1 69,662 58,319 19.4 2,291,146 1,697,058 35.0
35 Industrial machinery and equipment 1,796 1,623 10.7 12,679,091 8,335,775 52.1 65,022 59,329 9.6 2,366,793 1,897,012 24.8
36 Electronic and other electric equipment 366 366 0.0 9,213,810 8,689,443 6.0 52,576 58,676 -10.4 1,775,648 1,802,558 -1.5
37 Transportation equipment 523 511 2.3 29,803,118 19,002,280 56.8 111,601 91,757 21.6 4,634,687 3,251,862 42.5
38 Instruments and related products 208 196 6.1 2,709,129 2,193,429 23.5 15,562 14,633 6.3 541,029 455,049 18.9
39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 345 312 10.6 1,411,631 1,188,772 18.7 9,984 10,522 -5.1 267,683 245,456 9.1
N=Comparable data not available D=Withheld to avoid disclosure

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- Source: 1997 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics   - Questions?
Last revised: March 01, 2004