Hypoxia In The Gulf Of Mexico
and Nutrients in the Midwest:

The federal government has organized a science assessment of the causes and consequences of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Six reports were produced, peer-reviewed, and finalized in May, 1999. The six final reports were then released for public review and comment. As the reports were final, they were not changed as a result of comments received. New material will be added to the top of this page.


USGS (2007)
Streamflow and Nutrient Delivery from the Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico

The 2001 Action Plan stated that the sub-basin strategies, in the aggregate, should be aimed at achieving a 30% reduction (from the average discharge in the 1980-1996 time frame) in nitrogen discharges to the Gulf (on a 5-year running average) to be consistent with the Coastal Goal for reducing the areal extent of hypoxia in the Gulf.

During the 2000-2004 time period the average annual flux of total nitrogen was 32% lower than during the 1980-1996 time period, and this reduction is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level - http://toxics.usgs.gov/hypoxia/

The size of the hypoxic zone has not been reduced as anticipated. (http://toxics.usgs.gov/hypoxia/hypoxic_zone.html)

Coastal change and hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Part I (pdf, 1.1Mb)
Marine modification of terrestrial influences on Gulf hypoxia: Part II (pdf, 1.6Mb)
Supporting materials: Satellite Imagery of the Hypoxic Zone in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

The following documents and links are in relation to the preparation by USEPA Region 4 in August 2004 of a draft report on hypoxia, the review comments by an external review panel, Chief Winstanley's comments on the report and on the reviewers' comments, Chief Winstanley's identification of the needed focus of a Gulf of Mexico hypoxia science reassessment, the plan for a science reassessment, and USEPA's SAB planned review of Gulf hypoxia.

The Needed Focus of a Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Reassessment
Review of USEPA Region 4 August 2004 Hypoxia Report
USEPA: Recommendations for Monitoring... (pdf, 1.4Mb)
USEPA Region 4 Gulf Hypoxia report January 2004 (pdf, 1.7Mb)
Gulf Hypoxia: USEPA Region 4 Report (August 2004) - Reviewers Comments
Hypoxia Action Plan Reassessment (pdf, 80k)
USEPA Science Advisory Board Review of Gulf Hypoxia


The land loss map animation in the link below actually shows the creation of a major new delta area off the coast of Louisiana. There, nutrient-rich sediments are injected into the middle of the summer hypoxic zone.

Delta building in the Gulf of Mexico

September 10, 2002

The need for comprehensive and consistent treatment of the nitrogen cycle
in nitrogen cycling and mass balance studies: I. Terrestrial nitrogen cycle

June, 2002


A response to "Nutrient Load Characterization from Integrated Source Data
for the Lower Mississippi River," by J. E. Bollinger et al.

December 3, 2001


Update, November 15, 2000    (pdf version)
November 15, 2000

Response to UIUC/NRES Department Report Series 2000-03

Illinois response to draft Hypoxia Action Plan.

September 8, 2000

In June, 2000, the Water Survey produced a report on historical nitrogen conditions in Illinois.

A Contribution to the Characterization of Illinois Reference/Background Conditions
for Setting Nitrogen Criteria for Surface Waters in Illinois

June, 2000

Chief Derek Winstanley testified on water quality and hypoxia to the House Agriculture Committee on June 28, 2000. His testimony is provided below.

Chief testifies to House Agriculture Committee on water quality.
June 28, 2000


The federal government released a draft Integrated Assessment of Hypoxia in October 1999. Below is Governor Ryan's transmittal letter and the Illinois Review Comments.

Hypoxia assessment reports: State of Illinois response.
July, 1999

Hypoxia assessment reports: a Midwest response.
August 13, 1999

Illinois Comments on the Draft Hypoxia Integrated Assessment Report
October, 1999

Hypoxia In The Gulf Of Mexico: An Editorial

Illinois state scientists reviewed the six reports and prepared a coordinated set of review comments. Governor George H. Ryan submitted the Illinois review comments to the federal government. Above are Governor Ryan's transmittal letter and the Illinois review comments.

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