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32 results found.

Arthur, Jonathan D.

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

Aumen, Nicholas G.

South Florida Map showing general locations of the major landscape types in the Everglades prior to human intervention (Map)(Map is part of The Role of Flow in the Everglades Ridge and Slough Landscape paper. Click on the image for a larger version of the map.)

Campbell, Kenneth M.

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

Coast Survey (U.S.)

1834 and 1861 Florida Maps (Map)

Desmond, Gregory B.

South Florida Satellite Image Maps (Map I-2756 and Map I-2742)(maps can be found on the Land Characteristics from Remote Sensing project page)

DeWitt, Nancy T.

Elevation Contours of Lake Okeechobee 2001 (Map)

Duncan, Joel G.

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

Fernald, Edward A.

Images from the Water Resources Atlas of Florida (Map)(available from the Everglades Village website. Maps include: Population, Thunderstorms, Hurricanes, Sequence of Aquifers, Floridan Aquifer System, Drainage Basins and Divides, Environmental Geology, Groundwater, Average Annual Rainfall, Primary Groundwater Sources and Thickness of the Floridan Aquifer.)

Geological Survey (U.S.)

Tree Island Map (Map)(shows location of Tree Islands cored for the Ecosystem History project)

Halley, Robert B.

Florida Bay Air:Sea Carbon Dioxide Exchange Maps (Map)

Florida Bay Salinity Maps (Map)

Florida Bay Surface Maps (Map)(Florida Bay surface temperatures, surface salinities, surface pH and surface dissolved oxygen were measured.)

Hansen, Mark H.

Elevation Contours of Lake Okeechobee 2001 (Map)

Hill, Gary W.

Elevation Contours of Lake Okeechobee 2001 (Map)

Hittle, Clinton

Map of Data Collection Sites in Northeastern Florida Bay (Map)(map can be found on the Freshwater Flows into Northeastern Florida Bay project page)

Ives, J.C.

Military Map of Florida, 1856 (Map)(Map is of the peninsula of Florida, south of Tampa Bay. Follow the link at left to view the map and to read the history behind it's creation.)

Jones, John W.

South Florida Satellite Image Maps (Map I-2756 and Map I-2742)(maps can be found on the Land Characteristics from Remote Sensing project page)

Lloyd, Jacqueline M.

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

Missimer, Thomas M.

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Miami Ft. Lauderdale LandSat Imagery (Map)(available from the Everglades Village website)

Purdum, Elizabeth D.

Images from the Water Resources Atlas of Florida (Map)(available from the Everglades Village website. Maps include: Population, Thunderstorms, Hurricanes, Sequence of Aquifers, Floridan Aquifer System, Drainage Basins and Divides, Environmental Geology, Groundwater, Average Annual Rainfall, Primary Groundwater Sources and Thickness of the Floridan Aquifer.)

Rupert, Frank R.

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

Scott, Thomas M.

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

1834 and 1861 Florida Maps (Map)

South Florida Water Management District

Florida Satellite Image Map (Map)(available from the Everglades Village website)

Stumpf, Richard

Florida Bay AVHRR Time Series CD-ROM (Map)(available from the NOAA Coastal Services Center website)

Surveyor General's Office

A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the State of Florida with References (Map)(State of Florida map, 1845)

Thomas, Jean-Claude

South Florida Satellite Image Maps (Map I-2756 and Map I-2742)(maps can be found on the Land Characteristics from Remote Sensing project page)

Yates, Kimberly

Florida Bay Air:Sea Carbon Dioxide Exchange Maps (Map)

Florida Bay Salinity Maps (Map)

Florida Bay Surface Maps (Map)(Florida Bay surface temperatures, surface salinities, surface pH and surface dissolved oxygen were measured.)

Yon, J. William

Geologic Map of the State of Florida (Map)

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Last updated: 12 Oct, 2007 @ 11:06 AM (BJM)