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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 339. Current-fund expenditures and current-fund expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in degree-granting institutions, by type and control of institution: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2000-01
                |        All institutions          |         4-year institutions      |       2-year institutions
                |     Current-fund    |            |    Current-fund     |            |    Current-fund     |
                |     expenditures,   |Current-fund|    expenditures,    |Current-fund|    expenditures,    |Current-fund
                |     in millions     |expenditures|     in millions     |expenditures|     in millions     |expenditures
                |_____________________|per student,|_____________________|per student,|_____________________|per student,
Control of      |          |  Constant| in constant|          |  Constant| in constant|          |  Constant| in constant
institution     |Unadjusted|   2004-05|     2004-05|Unadjusted|   2004-05|     2004-05|Unadjusted|   2004-05|     2004-05
and year        |   dollars|dollars\1\|  dollars\1\|   dollars|dollars\1\|  dollars\1\|   dollars|dollars\1\|  dollars\1\
1               |         2|         3|           4|         5|         6|           7|         8|         9|          10
All             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
   institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 ........|   $23,375|  $112,796|     $16,741|   $21,049|  $101,569|     $19,740|    $2,327|   $11,227|      $7,051
1975-76 ........|    38,903|   134,470|      15,858|    33,811|   116,869|      19,807|     5,092|    17,600|       6,824
1977-78 ........|    45,971|   140,696|      16,719|    39,899|   122,112|      20,575|     6,072|    18,584|       7,493
1978-79 ........|    50,721|   141,939|      17,002|    44,163|   123,587|      20,833|     6,558|    18,352|       7,596
1979-80 ........|    56,914|   140,531|      16,558|    49,661|   122,622|      20,382|     7,253|    17,909|       7,247
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1980-81 ........|    64,053|   141,742|      16,072|    55,840|   123,569|      20,055|     8,212|    18,173|       6,838
1981-82 ........|    70,339|   143,277|      15,894|    61,333|   124,932|      19,990|     9,006|    18,345|       6,635
1982-83 ........|    75,936|   148,306|      16,312|    66,238|   129,367|      20,702|     9,697|    18,939|       6,662
1983-84 ........|    81,993|   154,421|      16,846|    71,680|   134,997|      21,343|    10,314|    19,424|       6,837
1984-85 ........|    89,951|   163,028|      18,212|    78,744|   142,715|      22,679|    11,207|    20,312|       7,639
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1985-86 ........|    97,536|   171,819|      19,212|    85,560|   150,723|      23,946|    11,976|    21,096|       7,964
1986-87 ........|   105,764|   182,266|      20,108|    92,985|   160,244|      25,194|    12,779|    22,023|       8,145
1987-88 ........|   113,786|   188,291|      20,400|   100,143|   165,713|      25,547|    13,644|    22,577|       8,230
1988-89 ........|   123,867|   195,923|      20,701|   109,141|   172,631|      25,904|    14,726|    23,293|       8,318
1989-90 ........|   134,656|   203,287|      20,784|   118,578|   179,016|      26,273|    16,077|    24,272|       8,180
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1990-91 ........|   146,088|   209,114|      20,946|   128,594|   184,073|      26,417|    17,494|    25,041|       8,304
1991-92 ........|   156,189|   216,632|      20,909|   137,375|   190,537|      26,906|    18,814|    26,095|       7,958
1992-93 ........|   165,241|   222,244|      21,294|   145,300|   195,424|      27,411|    19,941|    26,820|       8,109
1993-94 ........|   173,351|   227,264|      21,955|   152,164|   199,488|      28,014|    21,187|    27,776|       8,598
1994-95 ........|   182,969|   233,190|      22,535|   160,891|   205,052|      28,729|    22,078|    28,138|       8,764
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1995-96 ........|   190,476|   236,329|      22,867|   166,954|   207,144|      28,879|    23,522|    29,184|       9,229
1996-97 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
1997-98 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
1998-99 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
1999-2000 ......|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
2000-01 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
Public          |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
   institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 ........|    14,996|    72,363|      14,610|    12,899|    62,243|      17,945|     2,097|    10,120|       6,817
1975-76 ........|    26,184|    90,506|      13,876|    21,392|    73,942|      18,228|     4,792|    16,564|       6,717
1977-78 ........|    30,725|    94,036|      14,701|    25,013|    76,554|      18,953|     5,712|    17,482|       7,416
1978-79 ........|    33,733|    94,399|      15,034|    27,600|    77,238|      19,328|     6,132|    17,161|       7,517
1979-80 ........|    37,768|    93,257|      14,588|    30,979|    76,493|      18,844|     6,789|    16,764|       7,185
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1980-81 ........|    42,280|    93,561|      14,086|    34,677|    76,737|      18,454|     7,602|    16,823|       6,773
1981-82 ........|    46,219|    94,145|      13,883|    37,890|    77,179|      18,339|     8,330|    16,967|       6,595
1982-83 ........|    49,573|    96,818|      14,133|    40,616|    79,325|      18,794|     8,957|    17,494|       6,652
1983-84 ........|    53,087|    99,980|      14,529|    43,588|    82,091|      19,244|     9,499|    17,889|       6,839
1984-85 ........|    58,315|   105,689|      15,811|    48,017|    87,026|      20,535|    10,298|    18,663|       7,628
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1985-86 ........|    63,194|   111,322|      16,696|    52,184|    91,928|      21,683|    11,010|    19,395|       7,987
1986-87 ........|    67,654|   116,590|      17,201|    56,003|    96,511|      22,468|    11,651|    20,079|       8,088
1987-88 ........|    72,641|   120,205|      17,326|    60,137|    99,513|      22,638|    12,505|    20,692|       8,140
1988-89 ........|    78,946|   124,870|      17,595|    65,349|   103,364|      22,940|    13,597|    21,506|       8,300
1989-90 ........|    85,771|   129,486|      17,566|    70,865|   106,983|      23,157|    14,906|    22,503|       8,178
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1990-91 ........|    92,961|   133,067|      17,606|    76,722|   109,822|      23,169|    16,239|    23,245|       8,249
1991-92 ........|    98,847|   137,099|      17,436|    81,334|   112,809|      23,523|    17,513|    24,290|       7,920
1992-93 ........|   104,570|   140,644|      17,777|    86,065|   115,755|      24,126|    18,505|    24,889|       7,993
1993-94 ........|   109,310|   143,306|      18,343|    89,697|   117,594|      24,674|    19,612|    25,712|       8,440
1994-95 ........|   115,465|   147,158|      18,904|    94,895|   120,942|      25,464|    20,570|    26,216|       8,638
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1995-96 ........|   119,525|   148,297|      19,131|    97,905|   121,473|      25,534|    21,620|    26,824|       8,958
1996-97 ........|   125,429|   151,306|      19,411|   103,069|   124,333|      26,081|    22,360|    26,972|       8,908
1997-98 ........|   132,846|   157,446|      20,006|   109,190|   129,409|      26,883|    23,656|    28,037|       9,175
1998-99 ........|   140,539|   163,728|      20,777|   115,158|   134,159|      27,555|    25,381|    29,569|       9,819
1999-2000 ......|   152,325|   172,480|      21,506|   124,878|   141,401|      28,597|    27,447|    31,079|      10,105
2000-01 ........|   170,345|   186,495|      22,559|   140,578|   153,906|      30,625|    29,766|    32,589|      10,054
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
Private         |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
   institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 ........|     8,379|    40,433|      22,656|     8,150|    39,326|      23,452|       230|     1,108|      10,273
1975-76 ........|    12,719|    43,964|      22,461|    12,419|    42,928|      23,281|       300|     1,037|       9,134
1979-80 ........|    19,146|    47,275|      22,569|    18,682|    46,129|      23,574|       464|     1,145|       8,303
1980-81 ........|    21,773|    48,182|      22,135|    21,163|    46,832|      23,380|       610|     1,350|       7,776
1981-82 ........|    24,120|    49,132|      22,000|    23,444|    47,754|      23,393|       676|     1,378|       7,180
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1982-83 ........|    26,363|    51,488|      22,975|    25,623|    50,042|      24,672|       740|     1,446|       6,794
1983-84 ........|    28,907|    54,441|      23,826|    28,092|    52,906|      25,690|       815|     1,535|       6,806
1984-85 ........|    31,637|    57,338|      25,292|    30,727|    55,690|      27,102|       910|     1,649|       7,770
1985-86 ........|    34,342|    60,497|      26,584|    33,376|    58,795|      28,615|       966|     1,702|       7,702
1986-87 ........|    38,110|    65,676|      28,728|    36,982|    63,732|      30,866|     1,128|     1,944|       8,783
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1987-88 ........|    41,145|    68,086|      29,705|    40,006|    66,201|      31,663|     1,139|     1,885|       9,366
1988-89 ........|    44,922|    71,053|      30,014|    43,792|    69,267|      32,092|     1,130|     1,787|       8,549
1989-90 ........|    48,885|    73,801|      30,632|    47,713|    72,032|      32,835|     1,172|     1,769|       8,207
1990-91 ........|    53,127|    76,047|      31,354|    51,872|    74,251|      33,327|     1,255|     1,796|       9,093
1991-92 ........|    57,342|    79,532|      31,841|    56,041|    77,728|      34,005|     1,301|     1,804|       8,511
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1992-93 ........|    60,671|    81,601|      32,316|    59,235|    79,670|      34,171|     1,436|     1,931|       9,976
1993-94 ........|    64,041|    83,959|      33,067|    62,466|    81,894|      34,776|     1,575|     2,064|      11,214
1994-95 ........|    67,504|    86,032|      33,558|    65,996|    84,111|      35,225|     1,508|     1,921|      10,926
1995-96 ........|    70,952|    88,031|      34,079|    69,050|    85,671|      35,466|     1,902|     2,360|      14,088
1996-97 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
                |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1997-98 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
1998-99 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
1999-2000 ......|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
2000-01 ........|      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        --- |      --- |      --- |        ---
---Not available.
\1\Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Data for 1995-96 and earlier years are for institutions of higher education. Institutions of higher education were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education. The new degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, except that it includes some additional institutions, primarily 2-year colleges, and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not award associate's or higher degrees. (See Guide to Sources for details.) Private college data not collected on a basis consistent with public institutions after 1995-96. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education," 1970-71 through 1985-86, "Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education," 1970 through 1985; 1986-87 through 2000-01 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY86-99), "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY86-99), and Spring 2001 and Spring 2002. (This table was prepared February 2006.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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