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Exposure Factors Handbook Frequently Asked Questions

Jacqueline Moya
by phone at:   703-347-8539
by email at:  moya.jacqueline@epa.gov
Animated Gif, Revolving F A Q graphic

This page provides a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers related to exposure factors. The following questions and answers have been compiled from inquiries made by users of the Exposure Factors Handbook. These questions and answers provide general information about the Handbook, as well as, specific advice on the use of the data in the Exposure Factors Handbook. The answers provided here have been reviewed internally by EPA staff. This list will be updated and expanded as necessary as information changes or other questions arise.

Table of Contents

General Information about the Exposure Factors Handbook

  1. How can I obtain a copy of the Exposure Factors Handbook? Is there any charge for the Handbook?
  2. How often is the Exposure Factors Handbook updated?
  3. Where can I get the most up-to-date information on exposure factors?
  4. Where does the data from the Exposure Factors Handbook come from?

How can I obtain a copy of the Exposure Factors Handbook? Is there any charge for the Handbook ... ?

A limited number of paper copies and CD-ROM version of the Handbook are available from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) in Cincinnati, Ohio (phone 1-800-490-9198; 513-489-8190; fax 513-489-8695). Please provide the title and EPA number when ordering from NSCEP. Documents may also be ordered on-line at www.epa.gov/NCEPIhome/orderpub.html. There is no charge if you order from NSCEP.

Paper copies may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) in Springfield, VA (phone 1-800-553-NTIS[6847] or 703-605-6000; fax 703-321-8547). Please provide the following numbers when ordering from NTIS:

Vol. I PB98-124225 Vol. II PB98-124233 Vol. III PB98-124241 The Set PB98-124217

How often is the Exposure Factors Handbook updated?

The National Center for Environmental Assessment is continuously collecting data as they become available in the published literature. These data are evaluated and included in the Guide to Current Literature.

Where can I get the most up-to-date information on exposure factors?

You can get the most current information on exposure factors by searching the Guide to Current Literature page.

Where does the data from the Exposure Factors Handbook come from?

The data included in the Exposure Factors Handbook comes from a variety of sources. Information was summarized from studies published the scientific literature and other available sources, such as peer-reviewed government reports.

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