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Multimedia, Multipollutant Field Study to Establish Levels of Toxic Contaminants in Air, Soil, Sediment, Water and Agricultural Products from a Model Municipal Waste Combustor

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In the past, assessments have been directed only at the public health risks posed by stack and fugitive emissions of pollutants from municipal waste combustors (MWCs) by direct inhalation exposure. Recently, the U.S. EPA has developed methodologies to extend risk assessment to a consideration of indirect exposure pathways in addition to the direct inhalation pathway. A better understanding of the multipollutant and multiple exposure pathways of emissions from waste combustors is needed in order to improve the overall assessment of the risks to humans and the environment. The study will provide a preliminary determination of the overall risks associated with MWCs. As part of the overall approach, a field evaluation of a MWC was selected in Rutland, Vermont. During a one-year period, a four station ambient air monitoring network for pollutants will be operated by the State of Vermont. The purpose of the monitoring is to ensure that the pollution controls and regulatory requirements imposed on the facility are sufficient to prevent adverse impacts on human health or the environment.

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Prepared in cooperation with Vermont State Agency of Environmental Conservation, Montpelier, and Syracuse Research Corp., Cincinnati, OH.


Fradkin, L., T. Hartlage, R. Watts, R. Harless, AND J. Walling. Multimedia, Multipollutant Field Study to Establish Levels of Toxic Contaminants in Air, Soil, Sediment, Water and Agricultural Products from a Model Municipal Waste Combustor. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/D-88/155 (NTIS PB88239124), 1988.
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