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Summary of the Workshop on "The Power of Aggregated Toxicity Data"

George M. Woodall
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EPA is announcing that the article, Summary of the Workshop on "The Power of Aggregated Toxicity Data", has been published in the journal, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology.

In April 2007, a workshop on "Development of Federal Interagency Exposure Toxicity Database" was held in conjunction with the Toxicology and Risk Assessment Conference in Cincinnati, OH to discuss the potential to develop a shared data resource for dose-response toxicity data (the meeting title of the workshop was "The Power of Aggregated Toxicity Data"). Multiple Federal Agencies (EPA, Food and Drug Administration, National Library of Medicine, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences) and other interested parties (nationally and internationally) were participants in the discussion.

Toxicological dose-response data is universally used in quantitative risk assessment across multiple agencies, albeit using methods that vary according to the needs and mandates of the individual Agency. The goal of this workshop was to engage in a dialogue to promote greater sharing of commonly used data resources, and begin to work toward a consensus on standards that best promotes sharing toxicological data and a reduction in redundant capabilities. The summary for this workshop along with several presentations made during the workshop have been published in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. The titles, authors and links to each of the articles are provided below, starting with the workshop summary, then in the order in which presentations were made during the workshop.

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Goldberg, R. B. AND G. M. WOODALL. Summary of the Workshop on "The Power of Aggregated Toxicity Data". TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY. Academic Press Incorporated, Orlando, FL, (2008).
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