Relevant Publications

VOCA Victim Assistance Guidelines

These guidelines, revised April 1997 and published in the Federal Register, allow State VOCA grantees to fund program services that assist victims of financial exploitation and fraud. To obtain a copy, visit the OVC Web site at Click on State Compensation & Assistance. Click on Guidelines.

To obtain a list of current VOCA-funded victim assistance programs, visit the OVC Web site at Click on Help for Victims. Click on State by State.

Information for Victims and Witnesses Who Report Fraud Crimes BC 000599

This generic Federal law enforcement pamphlet provides answers to frequently asked questions about financial fraud and includes assistance contact information.

Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities—A Handbook for Fraud Victims Participating in the Federal Criminal Justice System NCJ 172830

This handbook is for victims who are participating in a Federal criminal prosecution.

Victims of Fraud: Beyond Financial Loss NCJ 170593

This 20-minute educational video focuses on the emotional and financial impact of fraud crimes, emphasizing fraud victims' needs for access to the criminal justice system.

Providing Services to Victims of Fraud: Resources for Victim/Witness Coordinators NCJ 170594

This guide includes strategies, sample letters, forms, and useful assistance information intended to help victim/witness coordinators enhance and expand victim services.

Victimization of Persons by Fraud NCJ 153727

National Institute of Justice Reprint. Reprinted from Crime & Delinquency, Vol. 41, No.1, January 1995, Sage Publications, Inc., pp. 54–72.

This research paper focuses on the victimization of persons by personal fraud. It also addresses the reactions of victims and official agencies to the victimization experience and the implications for research and public education.

This abstract is available at this time in paperback form from NCJRS by calling 1–800–851–3420, or you may visit the Web site at

Telemarketing Fraud Prevention, Public Awareness, and Training Activities FS 000214

OVC Fact Sheet, August 1998.
This fact sheet describes four innovative projects funded by OVC that are designed to prevent and intervene in telemarketing fraud schemes that target elderly citizens.

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OVC Bulletin, May 2000, Victims of Fraud and Economic Crime

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008