Participants Suggest a Plan of Action

Focus group participants regarded this OVC-hosted gathering as the "first step" in addressing the complex and varied needs of fraud and economic crime victims. After the conclusion of the focus group meeting, participants suggested the following plan of action as the "next steps" to be taken:

  • Convene a national symposium on fraud, economic crime, and white-collar crime victimization, inviting as many stakeholders as possible to participate.

  • Ensure funding for the national symposium project by using VOCA Federal funds administered by OVC.

  • Invite input and encourage responses from consumer affairs groups.

  • During National Crime Victims' Rights Week or during the symposium, publicly recognize the judges and probation officers who were most successful in enforcing restitution for fraud and economic crime victims.

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OVC Bulletin, May 2000, Victims of Fraud and Economic Crime

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008