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Anomaly Assessment and Repair Workshop
Oct 22, 2008

Time:  8am-5pm

Recent research has identified that existing methods of predicting the remaining strength of corroded pipe could provide non-conservative results (i.e., the pipe will fail at a pressure lower than that predicted) in some circumstances. Non-conservative results could be obtained even when the dimensions of pipeline anomalies are known with precision. Predicting remaining strength using dimensions obtained from in-line inspection introduces additional potential for non-conservatism due to the uncertainty of these dimensions. PHMSA is sponsoring a Workshop on Assessment and Repair of Anomalies in Pipelines to allow stakeholders of the pipeline safety community to learn about and discuss these research results, discuss current evaluation practices and methods to assure pipeline safety.

For more information on the agenda, or to register for this free workshop, please visit https://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/meetings/MtgHome.mtg?mtg=55

For additional information, contact:

Max Kieba
General Engineer, Engineering and Emergency Support
U.S. DOT PHMSA Office of Pipeline Safety

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