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Table 37-3.  Percentage distribution of fall enrollment in public school districts, by community type and district poverty category: 2004–05

District poverty category1 Total City Suburban Town Rural

     Total 100.0 31.5 37.7 12.6 18.2
Low 100.0 10.0 68.8 5.6 15.7
Middle low 100.0 17.3 50.8 13.1 18.9
Middle 100.0 25.9 37.2 14.5 22.4
Middle high 100.0 35.2 24.5 18.8 21.5
High 100.0 69.3 7.2 11.2 12.4

1 District poverty was determined by ranking school districts by the percentage of related children ages 5–17 from families with an income below the poverty threshold to all district children ages 5–17, and then dividing these districts into five categories with equal proportions of the total enrollment. The low-poverty district category consists of the 20 percent of students in districts with the lowest percentages of poor school-age children. Conversely, the high-poverty district category consists of the 20 percent of students in districts with the highest percentages of poor school-age children. See supplemental note 1 for further information on poverty.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to total because of rounding. Data are for regular districts, elementary/secondary combined districts, and separate elementary or secondary districts. They exclude Department of Defense districts and Bureau of Indian Education districts. See supplemental note 1 for information about community types.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, “Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates,” 2004–05; and U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Common Core of Data (CCD), “Local Education Agency Universe Survey,” 2003–04 and “School District Finance Survey (Form F-33),” 2004–05.

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