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Project Support Polar Services What's New Remote Station Engineering GPS Support LiDAR Support Geodetic Data GPS Base Stations Reports Polar Links
Polar Services

UNAVCO provides geodetic support to NSF-OPP funded scientific investigators working in the Arctic and Antarctic. Survey grade GPS receivers, a terrestrial laser scanner, and supporting power and communications systems for continuous data collection and campaign surveying are available. Operation and maintenance services are also provided for long term data collection, with on-line data distrubution from the UNAVCO community archive. Antarctic support is typically requested via the Raytheon Polar Services´ "UNAVCO Support" request form. Arctic support may be requested from the On-line Support Request Form.

Investigators are encouraged to contact UNAVCO (supportunavco.org) directly to discuss support options prior to proposal submission, or for additional information regarding available GPS services.

Remote Station Engineering

GPS Equipment, Software, and Technical Support

LiDAR Equipment, Software, and Technical Support

Polar Geodetic Data

GPS Base Stations

Arctic: Atqasuk, Alaska North Slope Barrow, Alaska Toolik Lake, Alaska Summit Camp, Greenland
Antarctic: McMurdo Station, Antarctica Palmer Station, Antarctica WAIS Divide, Antarctica


Polar Links

Send questions or comments to Bjorn Johns (johnsunavco.org).

Last modified Wednesday, 14-May-2008 21:54:38 UTC


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