U.S. Census Bureau
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Lisa Lollock

               Foreign-Born Population Nears 30 Million, 
                         Census Bureau Estimates

  A new report from the Commerce Department's Census Bureau today
estimates that the nation's foreign-born population in 2000 was 
28.4 million about 1 in 10 U.S. residents.

  The estimates contained in the report, The Foreign-Born Population
in the United States: March 2000, should not be confused with Census
2000 results, which are scheduled for release over the next three years.

  "About 10 percent of the nation's population was foreign-born in 2000,"
said Lisa Lollock, the report author. "This proportion is between the high
figure of 15 percent reached during a period of heavy immigration from
Europe in 1890 and the low of 5 percent in 1970."

  The report said one-third of the foreign-born population was from Mexico
or another Central American country and about one-fourth, from Asia.

  Other highlights from the report:

  -- The foreign-born population are more likely than natives to live in
     the West and the Northeast. More than 6 in 10 of the foreign-born
     population reside in one of these two regions, compared with less
     than 4 in 10 natives.

  -- Almost half of the foreign-born population lived in the central city
     of a metropolitan area (45 percent) compared with slightly more than
     one-quarter of the native population (28 percent). Only 5 percent of
     the foreign-born population lived outside metro areas, compared with
     21 percent of natives.

  -- While foreign-born residents age 25 and over were as likely as
     natives to be college graduates (26 percent each), they lagged at
     lower educational levels, as 67 percent of the foreign-born population 
     and 87 percent of natives were high school graduates. Thirty-six
     percent of full-time, year-round workers born outside the United
     States earned less than $20,000 in 1999; this compares with 
     21 percent of their native counterparts who were at that level.

  -- Foreign-born people were more likely than natives to be 18 to 64
     years of age (8 in 10 compared with 6 in 10).

  -- Thirty-seven percent of the nation's foreign-born residents were
     naturalized citizens. Less than 1 in 10 of the foreign-born people
     who entered the United States in the 1990s had become citizens,
     compared with 8 in 10 who arrived before 1970.

  The report, a slide presentation, an interactive quiz and 60 statistical
tables update the 1999 report on the foreign-born population issued last
September. The statistics were collected in the March 2000 Current
Population Survey, which uses the 1990 census as a base for its sample.

  The report contains data on characteristics of the foreign-born
population such as region of birth, geographic distribution in the United
States, age, citizenship, household size, marital status, educational
level, employment status, occupation, earnings and poverty status.
Comparisons are made between the foreign-born and the native populations,
as well as among the foreign-born population by region of birth,
citizenship and year of entry.

  Survey data are subject to sampling and nonsampling error.
    Foreign-Born Population and Percent of Total Population
              for the United States: 1890 to 2000

        Year                Number                 Percent
                         (in millions)             of total
        2000                  28.4                  10.4
        1990                  19.8                   7.9
        1970                   9.6                   4.7
        1950                  10.3                   6.9
        1930                  14.2                  11.6
        1910                  13.5                  14.7
        1890                   9.2                  14.8
 Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Public Information Office

Last Revised: March 21, 2001 at 01:10:12 PM

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