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Gathering Information for Watershed Ecological Assessments: A Review of Ten Watershed Assessments

Joseph P. Schubauer-Berigan
by phone at:   513-569-7734
by email at:  schubauer-berigan.joseph@epa.gov
This document outlines and reviews the various types of information used in 10 different watershed assessments. Data tables that describe the data types, sources of data, data reliability, and study contacts as well as other information used in each of the 10 assessments are included along with the web links to access this information on the Internet. The document summarizes how the information was collected, used and evaluated by each of the 10 watershed assessments and outlines some of the types and sources of data that are available. The purpose of this report is to provide those conducting watershed ecological assessments with an introduction to the types and sources of information that are available and have been used by others in conducting such assessments. This document is intended for ecologists, hydrologists, biologists, geologists, engineers and water resource managers seeking assistance on gathering, organizing and analyzing data to improve the use of sound science in watershed scale decision making.

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U.S. EPA. Gathering Information for Watershed Ecological Assessments: A Review of Ten Watershed Assessments. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., NCEA-C-0847. 2000.
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