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Additional Proposed Indicators for the U.S. EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Technical Document (External Peer Review)

Note: EPA has updated this document, but this version is provided as a courtesy to the public as a matter of public record.

Federal Register Notices
Denice M. Shaw
by phone at:   703-347-8628
by email at:  roe@epa.gov
EPA announced their proposal for additional indicators to be added to the EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment (ROE): Technical Document. These Additional Proposed Indicators (see "Downloads/Related Links") were released for both independent external peer review and for an additional 30-day public review and comment period. The public comment period ended November 21, 2005 and written comments were sent to EPA, as indicated in the October 21, 2005 Federal Register notice.
The purpose of the Report on the Environment (ROE) is to use available indicators to answer questions pertaining to national environmental and human health conditions. An initial set of proposed indicators for the ROE underwent public and independent scientific comment and peer review in July 2005. As a result, a number of additional indicators were recommended during that review, several of which were developed and are part of the present review. In addition, substantial changes were made to several indicators evaluated during the July review and are included here as well. The purpose of this second peer review is to obtain expert opinion on whether the additional indicators proposed should be included in the ROE and are supported by data that are technically sound, meet the established indicator definition and criteria, and help answer the questions posed in the ROE.


Jun 2003EPA published its first national Draft Report on the Environment (ROE) Technical Document in 2003.
Jun 2005EPA announced by Federal Register Notice an external peer review of proposed indicators for the Report on the Environment (ROE) for 2007.
Jul 2005EPA hosted a public peer review workshop on the proposed indicators then begins to review the comments and feedback.
Oct 2005EPA announced a second public peer review and public comment period for additional and updated proposed indicators for the ROE.

Next Steps

After the peer review of the proposed indicators, the comments and recommendations received from the experts and public will be considered and the resulting indicator revisions and any changes to the list of proposed indicators will be discussed within EPA and with EPAs federal agency partners.

EPA plans to release an external review draft of ROE in summer/fall 2007 for Science Advisory Board (SAB) Review. Once SAB comments are reviewed and incorporated, the Final EPA ROE Technical Document is planned to be published later in 2007/2008.

Downloads/Related Links

Additional Information

Comments on these additional proposed indicators can be viewed at thehttp://www.regulations.gov/ Web site.

Select "Advanced search" and key in the Docket Number ORD-2005-0021, for the docket entitled, "Proposed Indicators - EPA Report on the Environment 2006."
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