Fayette/Haywood EC Benchmark Summary Report November 2004*

Benchmark Benchmark Description Baseline Output To Date Target Unit Leader Percent Tasks Completed Total Funds Received Total Funds Requested Total Support Funds Received LastUpdated
Fayette/Haywood EC-1   The community will plan and develop accessible programs to increase the over all education levels of it population.   6570  5331  # of participants    20%  $736,642  $280,081  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-2   The community will establish job training programs which are relevant to the needs of local and regional job markets  851  585  # of clients served    0%  $649,430  $88,000  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-3   #3 The community will promote services so that all families will have access to affordable day care services for pre-school children  # of new facilities    50%  $280,000  $100,000  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-4   #4 The community will adopt programs that will promote after-school activities for children from ages 5-18.  264  50  # of youth participating    0%  $900,000  $45,000  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-5   #5 The community will seek to increase its stock of affordable rental and owner-occupied properties through partnerships between private business and community-based networks.  55  12  # of units built    0%  $1,567,774  $169,000  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-6   #6 The community will develop programs to address the needs of elderly and/or disabled residents for housing rehabilitation and maintenance.  105  96  # of houses rehabilitated    0%  $1,788,687  $0  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-7   #7 The community will coordinate with local and state community health agencies to recruit qualified primary care physicians to the area.  # of new health care professionals    20%  $329,279  $1,223,500  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-8   The community will seek to enhance access to health care services for individuals with mobility limitations through the provision of a traveling nurse practioner.  1395  750  # of clients served    50%  $548,269  $8,000  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-9   #9 Through the provision of a school nurse program, the community will seek to enhance health screening and education in the area school systems.  # of programs    0%  $13,100  $0  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-10   #10. The community wil review the financial resources it commits to local law enforcement to ensure they are adequate and allocated to high need areas.  10  25  Crime rate    0%  $0  $0  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-11   #11. To address crime prevention, the community will develop community-base programs and activities designed to promote community pride and decrease violent and domestic crimes among all population groups - especially juveniles.  264  50  # of youth participating    0%  $230,000  $0  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-12   #12. The community will encourage and support the planning, development and provision of an infrastructure that equalizes and expands services.  25  22  # of projects    55%  $15,630,843  $2,622,800  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-13   The community will promote long-term community-planning and leadership development programs.  # of participants    50%  $65,100  $0  $0  9/17/2004  
Fayette/Haywood EC-14   The Enterprise Community will track administrative costs -- not to exceed 6% of EC proceeds -- associated with the operation of the Fayette/Haywood County Enterprise Community.  4057  180000  Dollar amount secured    25%  $322  $7,785  $0  9/17/2004  

*Source: USDA-OCD Benchmark Management System

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