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Schools and Asthma

For every classroom in Michigan with 30 children in it, two may have asthma. This chronic disease causes unnecessary restriction of childhood activities, and is a leading cause of school absenteeism. Asthma can be controlled, though, and with proper treatment and support, children with asthma can lead fully active lives.

The Facts

Among children 0� years old in the United States in 2002:

  • 12.2% (8.9 million) had been told by a health professional at some point in their lives that they had asthma. 3
  • 8.3% (6.1 million) were reported to currently have asthma. 1
  • 5.8% (4.2 million) had an asthma attack in the last 12 months. 3

Among children 0� years old in the United States in 2000:

  • 4.6 million had visited doctors' offices and hospital outpatient departments. 3
  • 728,000 visited hospital emergency departments. 3
  • 214,000 were hospitalized due to asthma. 3


Schools can do their part to control asthma by becoming more 揳sthma-friendly,� i.e., adopting policies and procedures, and coordinating student services to better serve students with asthma.


 Adapted from Managing Asthma: A Guide for Schools. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Fund for the Improvement and Reform of Schools and Teaching, Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education. September 1991. NIH Publication No. 91-2650. Revised 2003.

Learn more about the other groups involved in bringing this website to you:
Michigan Asthma Communication Network (MACN) American Lung Association of Michigan

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This site last updated on July 28, 2008