Summary of FY2001 Budget Request to Congress - National Science Foundation
Numbers of People Involved in NSF Activities
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Nearly 200,000 people are directly involved in NSF programs and activities, receiving salaries, stipends, or participant support.

In addition, many millions of people are indirectly impacted by NSF programs. These programs reach PreK-12 students, PreK-12 teachers, and researchers through activities including workshops; informal science activities such as museums, television, videos, and journals; outreach efforts; and dissemination of improved curriculum and teaching methods.


FY 1999

FY 2000

FY 2001

Senior Researchers




Other Professionals




Postdoctoral Associates




Graduate Students




Undergraduate Students




K-12 Students




K-12 Teachers




Total Number of People 1




1 Does not include an estimated 8,800 researchers and students anticipated to be funded through H-1B Nonimmigrant Petitioner Fees in FY 2000 and FY 2001.


Senior Researchers include scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and educators receiving funding through NSF awards. These include both researchers who are principal or co-principal investigators on research and education projects, and researchers working at NSF-supported centers and facilities.

Other Professionals are individuals who may or may not hold doctoral degrees or its equivalent, who are considered professionals, but are not reported as senior researchers, postdoctoral associates, or students. Examples are technicians, systems experts, etc.

Postdoctoral Associates are individuals who have received Ph.D., M.D., D.Sc., or equivalent degrees less than five years ago, and who are not members of the faculty of the performing institution. Most of these postdoctoral associates are supported through funds included in research projects, centers or facilities awards. The balance of these, less than five percent, are recipients of postdoctoral fellowships.

Graduate Students include students compensated from NSF grant funds. Up to 20 percent of these students receive support through programs such as the NSF Graduate Fellowships, Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training Program (IGERT), and NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education. The balance assist senior researchers or postdoctoral associates in performing research, and are supported through funds included in research projects, centers, or facilities awards. NSF provides support for approximately five percent of the science and engineering graduate students in the U.S.

Undergraduate Students include students enrolled in technical colleges or baccalaureate programs compensated from NSF grant funds. They may either be assisting senior researchers or postdoctoral associates in performing research, or participating in NSF programs specifically aimed at undergraduate students, such as Research Experiences for Undergraduates or the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation.

K-12 Students are those attending elementary, middle, and secondary schools. They are supported through program components that directly engage students in science and mathematics experiences such as teacher and student development projects.

K-12 Teachers include teachers at elementary, middle, and secondary schools. These individuals actively participate in intensive professional development experiences in sciences and mathematics. The number of teachers participating in NSF programs and activities is expected to decrease in FY 2001 due to reductions in systemic reform activities and in Teacher Enhancement activities.


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