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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 411. Selected statistics on public school libraries/media centers, by state: 1999-2000
                      |     Percent of centers offering selected    |            |              |             |            |
                      |              services/equipment             |            |         Total|             |            |
                      |_____________________________________________|    Average |students using|Books checked|       Books|         Total
                      |          |  Automated|Connection|           |   number of|   library per|      out per| held at end|   expenditure
                      | Automated|circulation|    to the|Video laser|   staff per|  100 students| 100 students| of year per| for materials
State                 |   catalog|     system|  Internet|disc or DVD|library\1,2\|each week\2,3\| each week\3\|100 students|per student\2\
1                     |         2|          3|         4|          5|           6|             7|            8|           9|            10
   United States .....|72.8(0.69)|74.4 (0.65)|90.1(0.57)|43.0 (0.68)|1.89 (0.018)|  94.9  (0.88)|106.6  (1.63)|1,803 (19.7)|$23.37 (0.438)
Alabama ..............|83.7(2.53)|85.4 (2.30)|85.1(2.92)|40.6 (4.09)|1.76 (0.039)| 102.4  (5.40)|119.3  (9.04)|1,908(158.4)| 17.08 (0.870)
Alaska ...............|76.1(2.79)|67.4 (3.17)|91.6(1.84)|35.4 (2.87)|1.43 (0.061)|  97.5  (2.78)|137.5 (14.08)|2,855 (90.7)| 25.46 (2.353)
Arizona ..............|86.1(3.39)|88.5 (3.17)|91.6(2.40)|51.4 (4.19)|1.97 (0.061)|  92.4  (4.99)|113.0 (11.08)|1,897(147.1)| 15.73 (1.050)
Arkansas .............|75.8(3.47)|79.9 (3.04)|86.6(3.23)|23.0 (2.52)|1.50 (0.042)|  94.8  (3.98)|115.6  (8.40)|2,038 (82.4)| 22.38 (2.309)
California ...........|66.5(3.63)|76.7 (3.21)|71.3(3.83)|37.8 (3.57)|1.73 (0.068)|  75.9  (2.51)| 86.7  (5.17)|1,399 (85.8)| 17.66 (1.272)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
Colorado .............|86.9(2.65)|86.3 (2.45)|96.8(1.27)|41.6 (4.21)|1.99 (0.077)| 107.3  (5.34)|100.9  (5.45)|1,758 (90.4)| 25.68 (2.551)
Connecticut ..........|57.2(2.73)|59.8 (2.83)|87.2(2.31)|42.9 (3.80)|2.06 (0.062)| 102.0  (2.40)| 87.9  (6.06)|2,092(126.3)| 27.74 (1.341)
Delaware .............|80.3(3.53)|88.7 (2.99)|97.3(1.10)|35.0 (4.39)|1.51 (0.073)|  85.1  (3.59)| 63.2  (9.15)|1,435 (76.3)| 18.94 (2.573)
District of Columbia .|33.8(3.03)|35.4 (3.46)|78.1(2.93)|26.7 (3.34)|1.16 (0.030)|  64.7  (2.53)| 36.2  (4.52)|2,066(184.0)| 12.59 (1.710)
Florida ..............|94.1(1.48)|96.8 (0.99)|95.1(1.22)|90.6 (1.53)|2.53 (0.192)|  93.7  (4.81)|101.1  (6.97)|1,567(102.0)| 31.24 (5.676)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
Georgia ..............|99.7(0.29)|99.7 (0.29)|96.3(1.56)|71.4 (3.42)|2.33 (0.122)| 111.1  (6.45)|119.4  (7.67)|1,586 (53.5)| 24.39 (1.426)
Hawaii ...............|87.9(2.62)|94.0 (1.95)|96.8(1.43)|50.6 (4.15)|1.54 (0.049)|  87.3  (3.15)|113.7 (12.93)|1,622 (37.5)| 14.31 (1.214)
Idaho ................|79.4(2.38)|82.9 (2.13)|95.6(1.46)|30.5 (2.55)|1.75 (0.038)| 122.9  (3.09)|202.4 (12.44)|2,374(122.9)| 49.49 (2.183)
Illinois .............|61.4(3.70)|59.9 (3.76)|89.6(2.25)|34.9 (4.09)|2.03 (0.103)|  95.0  (3.47)| 82.9  (6.55)|1,545 (76.2)| 22.54 (1.727)
Indiana ..............|70.0(3.75)|72.9 (4.18)|89.0(2.61)|50.2 (3.84)|1.93 (0.045)|  95.3  (2.15)|114.2  (7.93)|2,177(173.4)| 23.93 (1.683)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
Iowa .................|75.1(3.31)|70.3 (3.90)|97.2(1.13)|41.0 (3.86)|2.36 (0.244)| 133.0  (4.98)|140.9  (8.98)|2,517 (74.0)| 26.52 (1.683)
Kansas ...............|76.4(3.99)|77.4 (4.00)|94.8(2.36)|43.3 (3.90)|1.85 (0.053)| 119.3  (5.08)|182.7 (12.96)|2,637(104.3)| 25.72 (1.222)
Kentucky .............|77.9(3.96)|77.3 (4.16)|97.9(1.07)|49.7 (4.25)|1.64 (0.064)| 119.2  (8.64)|123.7  (8.25)|1,758 (47.2)| 30.43 (3.961)
Louisiana ............|53.5(4.84)|62.5 (5.45)|88.0(3.86)|25.8 (3.85)|1.27 (0.088)|  75.3  (3.73)| 71.7  (7.48)|1,602 (63.9)| 15.23 (2.208)
Maine ................|54.4(4.54)|52.8 (4.82)|99.3(0.63)|15.5 (1.95)|1.73 (0.066)| 102.5  (2.74)|102.5  (6.89)|2,931(224.6)| 26.00 (1.233)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
Maryland .............|83.3(3.21)|81.4 (3.52)|94.5(2.28)|50.4 (6.04)|1.68 (0.093)|  82.6  (3.02)|130.3 (39.71)|1,401 (61.5)| 28.47 (4.900)
Massachusetts ........|54.0(3.83)|49.8 (3.67)|96.8(1.28)|31.9 (5.21)|1.87 (0.078)|  83.7  (2.89)| 63.8  (4.46)|1,635 (68.9)| 18.76 (1.091)
Michigan .............|69.5(4.08)|68.1 (4.04)|84.1(2.89)|44.6 (4.21)|1.76 (0.097)|  93.5  (3.80)| 92.2  (7.03)|1,703 (68.0)| 23.18 (2.222)
Minnesota ............|91.1(2.56)|91.8 (2.80)|95.9(1.21)|43.3 (5.38)|2.43 (0.097)| 126.8  (9.32)|127.3 (12.41)|2,486(174.2)| 36.34 (6.738)
Mississippi ..........|70.7(2.94)|76.2 (2.41)|89.8(2.28)|29.2 (2.61)|1.54 (0.034)|  80.0  (2.84)|100.4  (7.64)|1,985(175.3)| 19.66 (1.414)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
Missouri .............|71.8(6.17)|70.7 (6.26)|89.2(3.33)|49.3 (6.03)|1.63 (0.083)| 100.5  (5.71)|110.7  (9.85)|2,250(123.4)| 30.59 (2.178)
Montana ..............|52.8(3.07)|52.0 (2.98)|88.1(2.57)|31.2 (3.10)|1.66 (0.058)| 145.5  (6.37)|153.5  (9.31)|3,578(150.2)| 32.59 (1.721)
Nebraska .............|68.1(3.42)|69.1 (3.17)|95.5(1.55)|38.2 (3.33)|1.85 (0.073)| 101.9  (4.19)|160.8 (16.46)|3,253(206.2)| 37.44 (3.549)
Nevada ...............|89.0(3.10)|91.6 (2.76)|78.0(3.23)|36.0 (3.03)|1.71 (0.064)|  83.3  (2.15)| 83.6  (4.03)|1,665(187.1)| 14.13 (1.573)
New Hampshire ........|57.6(5.89)|60.4 (5.20)|89.0(5.84)|36.5 (4.74)|1.83 (0.100)| 103.1  (4.24)| 94.2  (7.51)|1,862 (84.3)| 22.73 (1.392)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
New Jersey ...........|62.6(3.67)|63.1 (3.70)|87.8(2.76)|31.8 (3.62)|1.78 (0.060)|  82.9  (2.52)| 81.6  (6.64)|1,905 (81.0)| 23.28 (1.549)
New Mexico ...........|69.1(5.59)|62.4 (5.24)|78.5(5.16)|28.0 (5.10)|1.53 (0.068)|  92.4  (8.04)|123.8 (15.98)|2,064(245.4)| 22.81 (2.374)
New York .............|57.7(3.86)|54.8 (3.81)|86.6(2.12)|29.8 (2.47)|2.12 (0.086)|  78.1  (3.26)| 66.3  (3.37)|1,473 (55.3)| 18.31 (1.415)
North Carolina .......|89.8(2.79)|95.7 (1.65)|95.3(2.12)|69.4 (3.79)|2.11 (0.063)|  90.4  (4.86)|117.1  (7.99)|1,591 (76.7)| 28.51 (2.208)
North Dakota .........|54.2(3.44)|49.5 (3.38)|94.1(1.40)|24.7 (2.29)|1.81 (0.073)| 130.8  (3.62)|167.4  (8.35)|5,180(251.9)| 40.87 (2.946)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
Ohio .................|54.8(3.99)|53.1 (3.68)|89.9(3.24)|32.0 (4.21)|1.77 (0.152)|  96.1  (3.71)| 87.2  (6.64)|1,536 (62.7)| 18.71 (2.181)
Oklahoma .............|66.1(4.39)|68.4 (3.58)|82.8(3.22)|25.0 (3.49)|1.95 (0.061)| 107.4  (4.61)|117.5 (10.90)|2,257(100.5)| 31.40 (3.148)
Oregon ...............|77.6(4.09)|80.2 (3.57)|90.0(3.54)|41.7 (4.59)|1.84 (0.068)| 102.7  (5.42)|156.7 (33.01)|2,655(204.4)| 18.97 (1.267)
Pennsylvania .........|62.4(5.47)|64.4 (5.44)|88.9(4.76)|28.3 (4.05)|1.90 (0.096)|  92.6  (4.72)| 94.5  (6.97)|2,011(192.1)| 21.88 (1.759)
Rhode Island .........|46.4(2.07)|51.5 (1.92)|95.6(1.04)|12.8 (1.46)|1.84 (0.034)|  70.0  (1.02)| 68.6  (1.88)|1,505 (33.6)| 16.04 (0.656)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
South Carolina .......|96.5(1.42)|93.6 (2.62)|98.2(0.76)|54.4 (4.11)|1.97 (0.055)|  84.3  (2.61)|105.7  (7.00)|1,515 (33.6)| 24.84 (1.777)
South Dakota .........|52.1(4.15)|44.7 (3.74)|93.4(1.35)|40.8 (3.66)|1.62 (0.076)| 155.9  (7.93)|135.2  (6.82)|4,006(315.8)| 38.18 (1.916)
Tennessee ............|69.2(4.67)|75.5 (3.97)|95.3(2.38)|53.3 (4.73)|1.79 (0.076)|  86.7  (4.89)|143.2 (14.03)|1,516 (58.3)| 18.81 (4.114)
Texas ................|84.0(2.60)|88.3 (2.39)|93.6(2.20)|44.8 (3.14)|1.90 (0.054)| 103.2  (5.12)|145.5  (7.35)|1,800 (61.0)| 24.32 (1.590)
Utah .................|87.5(3.14)|88.7 (2.76)|96.2(1.50)|60.3 (3.88)|1.69 (0.065)|  76.3  (3.46)|114.1 (20.51)|1,256 (51.3)| 16.84 (1.982)
                      |          |           |          |           |            |              |             |            |
Vermont ..............|62.2(2.82)|60.3 (2.94)|93.7(4.09)|13.3 (2.87)|1.74 (0.101)| 117.2  (4.93)| 93.3  (7.97)|2,783(171.9)| 36.30 (2.424)
Virginia .............|99.0(0.66)|98.0 (0.79)|98.1(1.05)|74.6 (4.19)|1.88 (0.064)|  87.7  (2.77)|110.6  (6.62)|1,849(166.7)| 22.98 (1.550)
Washington ...........|90.8(2.23)|91.4 (2.20)|98.1(0.95)|65.2 (3.94)|2.04 (0.047)| 128.2  (8.97)|137.4  (9.23)|2,068(120.8)| 24.62 (2.363)
West Virginia ........|48.2(4.91)|47.5 (5.12)|93.4(2.20)|57.6 (5.45)|0.92 (0.058)|  96.2  (5.30)| 75.2  (7.77)|1,692 (73.4)| 19.08 (1.680)
Wisconsin ............|81.0(3.63)|86.0 (2.92)|97.9(1.37)|42.2 (3.80)|2.09 (0.057)| 138.3  (7.54)|146.7 (12.59)|2,719(198.2)| 39.38 (3.107)
Wyoming ..............|75.7(4.47)|76.8 (4.49)|93.8(1.89)|39.9 (4.60)|1.80 (0.071)| 122.8  (6.94)|126.2  (7.72)|3,341(272.1)| 32.08 (2.182)
\1\Includes professional and nonprofessional staff.
\2\Includes public charter schools.
\3\During the most recent full week of school.
NOTE: Percentages are based on schools that have library/media centers. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Library Media Center Questionnaire," 1999-2000; and "Charter School Questionnaire," 1999-2000, unpublished data. (This table was prepared August 2004.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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