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Digest of Education Statistics
2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 408. Foreign students enrolled in institutions of higher education in the United States and other jurisdictions, by continent, region, and selected countries of origin: Selected years, 1980-81 through 2003-04
                           |     1980-81   |     1985-86   |     1990-91   |     1995-96   |    2000-01    |    2001-02    |    2002-03    |    2003-04
Continent, region,         |_______________|_______________|_______________|_______________|_______________|_______________|_______________|_______________
and country                | Number|Percent| Number|Percent| Number|Percent| Number|Percent| Number|Percent| Number|Percent| Number|Percent| Number|Percent
1                          |      2|      3|      4|      5|      6|      7|      8|      9|     10|     11|     12|     13|     14|     15|     16|     17
     Total ................|311,880|  100.0|343,780|  100.0|407,530|  100.0|453,787| 100.00|547,867|  100.0|582,996|  100.0|586,323|  100.0|572,509|  100.0
Africa ....................| 38,180|   12.2| 34,190|    9.9| 23,800|    5.8| 20,844|   4.59| 34,217|    6.2| 37,724|    6.5| 40,193|    6.9| 38,150|    6.7
  Eastern Africa ..........|  6,260|    2.0|  6,730|    2.0|  7,590|    1.9|  7,596|   1.67| 13,516|    2.5| 15,331|    2.6| 15,996|    2.7| 14,831|    2.6
  Central Africa ..........|  1,130|    0.4|  1,540|    0.4|  1,650|    0.4|  1,346|   0.30|  1,859|    0.3|  1,972|    0.3|  2,371|    0.4|  2,331|    0.4
  North Africa ............|  7,310|    2.3|  5,980|    1.7|  4,540|    1.1|  3,422|   0.75|  5,184|    0.9|  5,593|    1.0|  5,218|    0.9|  4,487|    0.8
  Southern Africa .........|  1,480|    0.5|  2,360|    0.7|  2,840|    0.7|  2,657|   0.59|  3,304|    0.6|  3,443|    0.6|  3,017|    0.5|  2,679|    0.5
  West Africa .............| 22,000|    7.1| 17,580|    5.1|  7,180|    1.8|  5,818|   1.28| 10,346|    1.9| 11,385|    2.0| 13,590|    2.3| 13,821|    2.4
    Nigeria ...............| 17,350|    5.6| 13,710|    4.0|  3,710|    0.9|  2,093|   0.46|  3,820|    0.7|  4,499|    0.8|  5,816|    1.0|  6,140|    1.1
                           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Asia ......................| 94,640|   30.3|156,830|   45.6|229,830|   56.4|259,893|  57.27|302,058|   55.1|324,812|   55.7|332,298|   56.7|324,006|   56.6
  East Asia ...............| 51,650|   16.6| 80,720|   23.5|146,020|   35.8|166,717|  36.74|189,371|   34.6|196,813|   33.8|199,666|   34.1|189,874|   33.2
    China .................|  2,770|    0.9| 13,980|    4.1| 39,600|    9.7| 39,613|   8.73| 59,939|   10.9| 63,211|   10.8| 64,757|   11.0| 61,765|   10.8
    Hong Kong .............|  9,660|    3.1| 10,710|    3.1| 12,630|    3.1| 12,018|   2.65|  7,627|    1.4|  7,757|    1.3|  8,076|    1.4|  7,353|    1.3
    Japan .................| 13,500|    4.3| 13,360|    3.9| 36,610|    9.0| 45,531|  10.03| 46,497|    8.5| 46,810|    8.0| 45,960|    7.8| 40,835|    7.1
    Korea, Republic of ....|  6,150|    2.0| 18,660|    5.4| 23,360|    5.7| 36,231|   7.98| 45,685|    8.3| 49,046|    8.4| 51,519|    8.8| 52,484|    9.2
    Taiwan ................| 19,460|    6.2| 23,770|    6.9| 33,530|    8.2| 32,702|   7.21| 28,566|    5.2| 28,930|    5.0| 28,017|    4.8| 26,178|    4.6
  South and Central Asia ..| 14,540|    4.7| 25,800|    7.5| 42,370|   10.4| 45,401|  10.00| 71,765|   13.1| 86,131|   14.8| 93,767|   16.0| 98,138|   17.1
    India .................|  9,250|    3.0| 16,070|    4.7| 28,860|    7.1| 31,743|   7.00| 54,664|   10.0| 66,836|   11.5| 74,603|   12.7| 79,736|   13.9
    Pakistan ..............|  2,990|    1.0|  5,440|    1.6|  7,730|    1.9|  6,427|   1.42|  6,948|    1.3|  8,644|    1.5|  8,123|    1.4|  7,325|    1.3
  South East Asia .........| 28,450|    9.1| 50,310|   14.6| 41,440|   10.2| 47,774|  10.53| 40,916|    7.5| 41,868|    7.2| 38,865|    6.6| 35,994|    6.3
    Indonesia .............|  3,250|    1.0|  8,210|    2.4|  9,520|    2.3| 12,820|   2.83| 11,625|    2.1| 11,614|    2.0| 10,432|    1.8|  8,880|    1.6
    Malaysia ..............|  6,010|    1.9| 23,020|    6.7| 13,610|    3.3| 14,015|   3.09|  7,795|    1.4|  7,395|    1.3|  6,595|    1.1|  6,483|    1.1
    Philippines ...........|   --- |   --- |  3,920|    1.1|  4,270|    1.0|  3,127|   0.69|  3,139|    0.6|  3,295|    0.6|  3,576|    0.6|  3,467|    0.6
    Singapore .............|   --- |   --- |  3,930|    1.1|  4,500|    1.1|  4,098|   0.90|  4,166|    0.8|  4,141|    0.7|  4,189|    0.7|  3,955|    0.7
    Thailand ..............|  6,550|    2.1|  6,940|    2.0|  7,090|    1.7| 12,165|   2.68| 11,187|    2.0| 11,606|    2.0|  9,982|    1.7|  8,937|    1.6
                           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Europe ....................| 25,330|    8.1| 34,310|   10.0| 49,640|   12.2| 67,358|  14.84| 80,584|   14.7| 81,579|   14.0| 78,001|   13.3| 74,134|   12.9
  Eastern Europe ..........|  1,670|    0.5|  1,770|    0.5|  4,780|    1.2| 18,032|   3.97| 27,674|    5.1| 29,591|    5.1| 29,167|    5.0| 27,710|    4.8
  Western Europe ..........| 23,660|    7.6| 32,540|    9.5| 44,860|   11.0| 49,326|  10.87| 52,910|    9.7| 51,988|    8.9| 48,834|    8.3| 46,424|    8.1
    France ................|   --- |   --- |  3,680|    1.1|  5,630|    1.4|  5,710|   1.26|  7,273|    1.3|  7,401|    1.3|  7,223|    1.2|  6,818|    1.2
    Germany\1\ ............|  3,310|    1.1|  4,730|    1.4|  7,000|    1.7|  9,017|   1.99| 10,128|    1.8|  9,613|    1.6|  9,302|    1.6|  8,745|    1.5
    Greece ................|  3,750|    1.2|  4,440|    1.3|  4,360|    1.1|  3,365|   0.74|  2,768|    0.5|  2,599|    0.4|  2,341|    0.4|  2,126|    0.4
    Spain .................|   --- |   --- |  1,740|    0.5|  4,300|    1.1|  4,809|   1.06|  4,156|    0.8|  4,048|    0.7|  3,633|    0.6|  3,631|    0.6
    United Kingdom ........|  4,440|    1.4|  5,940|    1.7|  7,300|    1.8|  7,799|   1.72|  8,139|    1.5|  8,414|    1.4|  8,326|    1.4|  8,439|    1.5
                           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Latin America .............| 49,810|   16.0| 45,480|   13.2| 47,580|   11.7| 47,253|  10.41| 63,634|   11.6| 68,358|   11.7| 68,950|   11.8| 69,658|   12.2
  Caribbean ...............| 10,650|    3.4| 11,100|    3.2| 12,610|    3.1| 10,737|   2.37| 14,423|    2.6| 13,879|    2.4| 14,895|    2.5| 15,606|    2.7
  Central America .........| 12,970|    4.2| 12,740|    3.7| 15,950|    3.9| 14,220|   3.13| 16,764|    3.1| 18,826|    3.2| 18,856|    3.2| 19,264|    3.4
    Mexico ................|  6,730|    2.2|  5,460|    1.6|  6,740|    1.7|  8,687|   1.91| 10,670|    1.9| 12,518|    2.1| 12,801|    2.2| 13,329|    2.3
  South America ...........| 26,190|    8.4| 21,640|    6.3| 19,020|    4.7| 22,296|   4.91| 32,447|    5.9| 35,653|    6.1| 35,199|    6.0| 34,788|    6.1
    Brazil ................|   --- |   --- |  2,840|    0.8|  3,900|    1.0|  5,497|   1.21|  8,846|    1.6|  8,972|    1.5|  8,388|    1.4|  7,799|    1.4
    Colombia ..............|   --- |   --- |  4,010|    1.2|  3,180|    0.8|  3,462|   0.76|  6,765|    1.2|  8,068|    1.4|  7,771|    1.3|  7,533|    1.3
    Venezuela .............| 11,750|    3.8|  7,040|    2.0|  2,890|    0.7|  4,456|   0.98|  5,217|    1.0|  5,627|    1.0|  5,333|    0.9|  5,575|    1.0
                           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Middle East ...............| 84,710|   27.2| 52,720|   15.3| 33,420|    8.2| 30,563|   6.74| 36,858|    6.7| 38,545|    6.6| 34,803|    5.9| 31,852|    5.6
  Iran ....................| 47,550|   15.2| 14,210|    4.1|  6,260|    1.5|  2,628|   0.58|  1,844|    0.3|  2,216|    0.4|  2,258|    0.4|  2,321|    0.4
  Jordan ..................|  6,140|    2.0|  6,590|    1.9|  4,320|    1.1|  2,222|   0.49|  2,187|    0.4|  2,417|    0.4|  2,173|    0.4|  1,853|    0.3
  Lebanon .................|  6,770|    2.2|  7,090|    2.1|  3,900|    1.0|  1,554|   0.34|  2,005|    0.4|  2,435|    0.4|  2,364|    0.4|  2,179|    0.4
  Saudi Arabia ............| 10,440|    3.3|  6,900|    2.0|  3,590|    0.9|  4,191|   0.92|  5,273|    1.0|  5,579|    1.0|  4,175|    0.7|  3,521|    0.6
  Turkey ..................|   --- |   --- |  2,460|    0.7|  4,080|    1.0|  7,678|   1.69| 10,983|    2.0| 12,091|    2.1| 11,601|    2.0| 11,398|    2.0
                           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
North America\2\ ..........| 14,790|    4.7| 16,030|    4.7| 18,950|    4.6| 23,644|   5.21| 25,888|    4.7| 27,039|    4.6| 27,227|    4.6| 27,650|    4.8
  Canada ..................| 14,320|    4.6| 15,410|    4.5| 18,350|    4.5| 23,005|   5.07| 25,279|    4.6| 26,514|    4.5| 26,513|    4.5| 27,017|    4.7
                           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Oceania ...................|  4,180|    1.3|  4,030|    1.2|  4,230|    1.0|  4,202|   0.93|  4,624|    0.8|  4,852|    0.8|  4,811|    0.8|  4,534|    0.8
                           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Stateless\3\ ..............|    240|    0.1|    190|    0.1|     80|     # |     30|     # |     10|     # |     87|     # |     33|     # |     19|     #
---Not available.
#Rounds to zero.
\1\Data for 1980-81 and 1985-86 are for West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany before unification).
\2\Excludes Mexico and Central America, which are included with Latin America.
\3\Home country unknown or undeclared.
NOTE: Totals and subtotals include other countries not shown separately. Data are for "nonimmigrants" (i.e., students who have not migrated to this country). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: Institute of International Education, Open Doors: Report on International Educational Exchange, various years. (This table was prepared March 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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