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2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 303. Bachelor's and master's degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by field of study and state or jurisdiction: 2003-04
                           |                    |                 |  Social and beha-|     Natural     | Computer sciences|                  |    Business/     |
                           |    Total degrees   |  Humanities\1\  |vioral sciences\2\|   sciences\3\   |and engineering\4\|    Education     |   management     | Other fields\5\
                           |    Bache-|         |  Bache-|        |   Bache-|        |  Bache-|        |   Bache-|        |  Bache-|         |  Bache-|         |  Bache-|
                           |     lor's| Master's|   lor's|Master's|    lor's|Master's|   lor's|Master's|    lor's|Master's|   lor's| Master's|   lor's| Master's|   lor's|Master's
State or jurisdiction      |   degrees|  degrees| degrees| degrees|  degrees| degrees| degrees| degrees|  degrees| degrees| degrees|  degrees| degrees|  degrees| degrees| degrees
1                          |        2 |       3 |      4 |      5 |       6 |      7 |      8 |      9 |      10 |     11 |     12 |      13 |     14 |      15 |     16 |      17
   United States ..........| 1,399,542|  558,940| 246,646|  40,477|  232,455|  34,008|  92,819|  17,418|  137,715|  55,340| 106,278|  162,345| 307,149|  139,347| 276,480|  110,005
                           |__________|_________|________|________|_________|________|________|________|________ |________|________|_________|________|_________|________|_________
Alabama ...................|    21,386|    9,059|   2,294|     298|    2,308|     526|   1,227|     178|    1,944|     675|   2,682|    3,142|   6,011|    2,252|   4,920|    1,988
Alaska ..................  |     1,405|      585|     253|      66|      228|      46|     164|      41|       88|      57|      39|      172|     271|      104|     362|       99
Arizona ...................|    26,225|   17,464|   3,391|     508|    2,660|     317|   1,296|     237|    3,534|     884|   2,686|    5,888|   7,554|    7,833|   5,104|    1,797
Arkansas ..................|    10,784|    2,597|   1,371|     150|    1,185|     109|     788|      86|      851|     164|   1,321|      869|   2,540|      536|   2,728|      683
California ................|   142,418|   53,293|  34,486|   5,085|   29,629|   4,608|  10,789|   1,659|   14,619|   6,596|   2,692|   13,569|  28,428|   12,269|  21,775|    9,507
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
Colorado ..................|    24,107|   10,027|   4,840|     622|    4,600|     837|   1,883|     333|    2,692|   1,495|     119|    1,901|   5,107|    3,150|   4,866|    1,689
Connecticut ...............|    16,643|    8,381|   3,783|     735|    4,222|     424|   1,045|     339|      899|     695|     602|    2,449|   3,018|    2,055|   3,074|    1,684
Delaware ..................|     5,101|    1,940|     727|      99|      948|      94|     222|      34|      318|     133|     560|      722|   1,265|      536|   1,061|      322
District of Columbia ......|     9,435|    8,468|   1,363|     805|    2,441|   1,066|     427|     259|    1,495|     899|      74|      734|   2,247|    2,297|   1,388|    2,408
Florida .................. |    63,811|   23,175|   7,857|     943|    9,750|   1,199|   2,833|     637|    6,354|   2,233|   4,961|    5,504|  17,882|    7,288|  14,174|    5,371
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
Georgia .................  |    36,162|   14,442|   5,108|     709|    5,114|     668|   2,137|     353|    5,332|   1,952|   3,269|    4,146|   9,534|    4,335|   5,668|    2,279
Hawaii ....................|     5,499|    1,897|     857|     122|      996|     220|     324|      65|      342|     127|     370|      441|   1,517|      549|   1,093|      373
Idaho .....................|     6,042|    1,116|     851|      50|      687|      41|     439|      79|      497|      90|     897|      421|   1,127|      156|   1,544|      279
Illinois ................. |    59,537|   32,732|  11,321|   2,239|    8,347|   2,019|   3,755|     958|    6,858|   2,990|   6,334|    9,126|  11,879|    9,468|  11,043|    5,932
Indiana ...................|    36,388|   10,836|   5,812|     891|    4,417|     505|   1,998|     402|    4,148|     890|   4,431|    2,587|   7,774|    3,394|   7,808|    2,167
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
Iowa ......................|    20,174|    3,967|   2,977|     387|    2,859|     138|   1,339|     223|    1,757|     395|   2,454|      908|   4,687|      977|   4,101|      939
Kansas ....................|    16,022|    5,989|   2,394|     399|    1,921|     248|   1,072|     148|    1,542|     583|   1,776|    1,976|   3,525|    1,399|   3,792|    1,236
Kentucky ................. |    17,243|    6,190|   2,552|     316|    2,489|     340|   1,165|     209|    1,038|     486|   2,057|    2,484|   3,658|      851|   4,284|    1,504
Louisiana .................|    21,336|    6,414|   3,406|     466|    2,697|     313|   1,600|     332|    1,915|     537|   1,910|    1,592|   5,112|    1,415|   4,696|    1,759
Maine .....................|     6,059|    1,542|   1,182|      77|    1,192|      21|     464|      33|      434|      43|     649|      681|     678|      203|   1,460|      484
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
Maryland ..................|    23,999|   12,999|   4,479|   1,003|    4,958|   1,005|   1,767|     585|    3,286|   2,009|   1,319|    2,863|   3,974|    3,403|   4,216|    2,131
Massachusetts .............|    45,583|   27,768|   9,227|   2,006|   10,430|   1,834|   3,320|     865|    4,173|   2,737|   1,370|    7,949|   8,718|    6,084|   8,345|    6,293
Michigan ..................|    51,166|   24,204|   6,605|   1,064|    6,779|     763|   3,152|     631|    6,465|   3,230|   5,278|    7,774|  12,360|    6,433|  10,527|    4,309
Minnesota .................|    27,324|   11,433|   5,344|     697|    4,484|     706|   2,165|     192|    2,069|     926|   3,120|    5,103|   5,113|    2,065|   5,029|    1,744
Mississippi .............  |    11,663|    3,668|   1,209|     160|    1,432|     164|     794|     230|      928|     305|   1,767|    1,400|   2,829|      714|   2,704|      695
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
Missouri ................. |    34,006|   16,285|   4,496|     795|    4,374|   1,349|   2,147|     297|    3,459|   1,021|   3,330|    3,975|   9,019|    6,182|   7,181|    2,666
Montana ...................|     5,369|    1,087|     757|      97|      818|      96|     474|      87|      600|      89|     646|      305|     899|      108|   1,175|      305
Nebraska ..................|    11,439|    3,630|   1,132|     175|    1,263|     148|     682|     124|      768|     257|   1,442|    1,015|   3,248|      677|   2,904|    1,234
Nevada ....................|     5,136|    1,796|     547|      91|      672|     108|     265|      69|      444|     155|     654|      835|   1,514|      321|   1,040|      217
New Hampshire .............|     7,908|    2,839|   1,414|     121|    1,674|     175|     501|      83|      604|     200|     376|      775|   1,763|    1,058|   1,576|      427
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
New Jersey ................|    30,564|   12,035|   5,701|     937|    6,946|     625|   2,165|     426|    3,477|   1,636|   2,131|    3,363|   5,477|    2,784|   4,667|    2,264
New Mexico ................|     7,217|    2,983|   1,199|     239|      800|     139|     456|     145|      837|     323|     929|      941|   1,649|      601|   1,347|      595
New York ................  |   106,995|   63,270|  22,548|   6,344|   21,234|   3,626|   6,199|   1,628|   10,101|   4,762|   7,807|   23,540|  20,871|   10,464|  18,235|   12,906
North Carolina ........... |    38,774|   11,378|   5,084|     891|    7,216|     436|   3,118|     532|    3,601|   1,254|   2,859|    2,350|   8,129|    3,297|   8,767|    2,618
North Dakota ..............|     5,033|    1,054|     433|      30|      401|      30|     287|      42|      594|      71|     628|      250|   1,036|      293|   1,654|      338
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
Ohio ......................|    56,256|   19,246|   8,807|   1,768|    7,792|   1,061|   3,331|     739|    5,216|   1,594|   6,502|    5,979|  12,503|    4,619|  12,105|    3,486
Oklahoma ..................|    17,424|    5,607|   2,449|     423|    1,870|     838|   1,105|     145|    1,514|     702|   2,205|    1,269|   4,404|    1,257|   3,877|      973
Oregon ....................|    16,664|    5,877|   3,969|     494|    3,409|     363|   1,217|     193|    1,313|     541|     718|    2,379|   2,900|      846|   3,138|    1,061
Pennsylvania ..............|    75,343|   26,288|  12,265|   1,784|   11,888|   1,381|   5,084|     809|    7,732|   2,770|   6,937|    7,329|  16,383|    6,386|  15,054|    5,829
Rhode Island ..............|     9,251|    2,171|   1,540|     187|    1,451|     212|     518|     128|      742|     134|     687|      590|   2,418|      502|   1,895|      418
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
South Carolina ............|    17,891|    4,765|   2,667|     242|    2,904|     195|   1,563|     213|    1,291|     363|   1,717|    1,720|   4,453|      879|   3,296|    1,153
South Dakota ............. |     4,752|    1,116|     407|      70|      532|     106|     324|      40|      680|     195|     628|      302|     987|      205|   1,194|      198
Tennessee ...............  |    24,983|    8,304|   5,278|     562|    3,904|     471|   1,453|     261|    1,860|     532|   1,400|    3,044|   5,597|    1,738|   5,491|    1,696
Texas .................... |    85,539|   30,549|  17,331|   2,472|   11,892|   1,769|   6,095|   1,093|    7,093|   4,003|   2,271|    6,233|  21,506|    9,114|  19,351|    5,865
Utah ....................  |    19,909|    4,167|   2,973|     277|    3,526|     200|   1,128|     191|    2,001|     533|   1,977|      761|   3,926|    1,225|   4,378|      980
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
Vermont ...................|     4,648|    1,474|   1,275|     320|    1,085|     196|     285|      42|      215|      82|     289|      497|     636|      130|     863|      207
Virginia ..................|    35,660|   11,948|   7,587|   1,096|    7,725|   1,063|   2,613|     384|    3,126|   1,466|     914|    3,522|   7,215|    2,188|   6,480|    2,229
Washington ................|    27,240|    8,481|   6,363|     524|    5,014|     496|   1,982|     266|    2,282|     516|   1,946|    2,677|   4,663|    1,963|   4,990|    2,039
West Virginia ...........  |     9,101|    2,829|   1,837|     145|    1,090|     118|     537|      77|      677|     239|   1,073|    1,007|   1,702|      500|   2,185|      743
Wisconsin ................ |    31,759|    9,155|   4,488|     471|    4,938|     552|   2,577|     253|    2,534|     725|   3,188|    3,241|   6,843|    2,156|   7,191|    1,757
Wyoming ...................|     1,670|      420|     107|      25|      229|      44|     139|      43|      169|      46|     287|       45|     259|       88|     480|      129
                           |          |         |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |         |        |         |        |
U.S. Service Schools ......|     3,499|        0|     303|       0|    1,035|       0|     409|       0|    1,207|       0|       0|        0|     341|        0|     204|        0
   Other jurisdictions ....|    17,879|    3,922|     897|     114|    1,256|     264|   1,380|      81|    1,850|     226|   2,892|    1,047|   6,026|    1,484|   3,578|      706
Guam ......................|       287|      100|      23|       1|       26|       0|       9|       7|       15|       0|      79|       29|      45|       42|      90|       21
Northern Marianas .........|        32|        0|       0|       0|        0|       0|       0|       0|        0|       0|      32|        0|       0|        0|       0|        0
Puerto Rico ...............|    17,370|    3,750|     862|     113|    1,210|     264|   1,354|      74|    1,831|     226|   2,750|      975|   5,889|    1,425|   3,474|      673
Virgin Islands ............|       190|       72|      12|       0|       20|       0|      17|       0|        4|       0|      31|       43|      92|       17|      14|       12
\1\Includes degrees in area, ethnic, cultural and gender studies; English language and literature/letters; foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics; liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities; multi/interdisciplinary studies; philosophy and religious studies; theology and religious vocations; and visual and performing arts.
\2\Includes psychology; social sciences; and history.
\3\Includes biological and biomedical sciences; physical sciences; and science technologies/technicians; and mathematics and statistics.
\4\Includes computer and information sciences and support services; engineering; engineering technologies/technicians; mechanic and repairer technologies/technicians; and construction trades.
\5\Includes agriculture, agricultural operations and related sciences; natural resources and conservation; architecture and related services; communication, journalism, and related programs; communications technologies/technicians and support services; health professions and related clinical sciences; family and consumer services/human sciences; legal professions and studies; library science; military technologies; parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies; security and protective services; public administration and social service professions; transportation and materials moving; and not classified by field of study.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2003-04 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2004. (This table was prepared July 2005.)

2005 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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