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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 73. Teachers' perceptions about teaching and school conditions, by control and level of school: 1993-94 and 1999-2000

                                          |  Percent of teachers somewhat agreeing or strongly agreeing with statement
                                          |       |    Public school teachers, 1999-2000      |       |    Private school teachers, 1999-2000
                Statement                 |Public |___________________________________________|Private|____________________________________________
                                          |total, |          |Elementary|Secondary |Combined  |total, |          |Elementary|Secondary |Combined
                                          |1993-94|Total     |schools   |schools   |schools   |1993-94|Total     |schools   |schools   |schools
                    1                     |   2   | 3        |    4     |   5      |   6      |   7   |   8      |  9       |  10      |  11
The school administration's behavior      |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  toward the staff is supportive  ........|   79.2|78.7(0.38)|79.7(0.53)|77.0(0.39)|76.6(1.24)|   88.2|87.2(0.46)|88.2(0.50)|83.4(0.74)| 87.4(1.08)
My principal enforces school rules for    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  student conduct and backs me up when    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  I need it ..............................|   80.8|82.1(0.33)|83.7(0.46)|79.4(0.42)|78.9(1.28)|   88.4|88.2(0.41)|88.3(0.61)|86.8(0.70)| 88.7(0.71)
The principal lets staff members know     |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  what is expected of them  ..............|   85.6|87.6(0.26)|88.7(0.39)|85.9(0.31)|83.2(1.08)|   88.2|89.8(0.37)|89.9(0.48)|88.1(0.64)| 90.5(0.79)
Principal talks to me frequently about    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  my instructional practices .............|   44.3|45.6(0.42)|50.3(0.62)|36.3(0.38)|44.8(1.41)|   54.0|50.3(0.67)|55.3(0.97)|36.5(1.16)| 49.9(1.24)
In this school, staff members are         |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  recognized for a job well done  ........|   67.9|68.3(0.42)|70.7(0.55)|64.0(0.48)|62.7(1.30)|   81.1|78.6(0.52)|80.6(0.63)|72.1(0.96)| 78.9(1.03)
Principal knows what kind of school       |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  he/she wants and has communicated it    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  to the staff ...........................|   80.5|83.1(0.27)|85.0(0.38)|80.0(0.37)|77.8(1.29)|   88.6|88.3(0.45)|88.3(0.60)|87.0(0.75)| 89.0(0.94)
Most of my colleagues share my beliefs    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  and values about what the central       |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  mission of the school should be ........|   84.2|84.7(0.26)|87.4(0.39)|79.6(0.30)|82.8(0.94)|   93.2|92.1(0.32)|93.1(0.46)|88.2(0.72)| 92.5(0.59)
There is a great deal of cooperative      |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  effort among staff .....................|   77.5|78.4(0.32)|80.9(0.43)|73.6(0.38)|76.2(1.25)|   90.5|88.9(0.44)|90.2(0.47)|84.4(0.81)| 89.4(1.02)
I receive a great deal of support from    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  parents for the work I do ..............|   52.5|57.8(0.41)|60.9(0.53)|52.3(0.44)|52.1(1.13)|   84.6|84.2(0.48)|86.7(0.59)|78.2(1.06)| 83.6(0.94)
I make a conscious effort to coordinate   |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  the content of my courses with that     |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  of other teachers  .....................|   85.0|84.1(0.23)|87.5(0.34)|77.8(0.30)|81.1(0.87)|   85.2|81.4(0.56)|84.3(0.66)|73.6(1.04)| 80.9(0.89)
Routine duties and paperwork interfere    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  with my job of teaching  ...............|   70.8|71.0(0.30)|71.4(0.44)|70.7(0.37)|66.0(1.10)|   40.1|44.5(0.58)|45.8(0.88)|46.3(1.01)| 41.9(1.17)
Level of student misbehavior in this      |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  school interferes with my teaching .....|   44.1|40.9(0.43)|40.8(0.63)|41.0(0.45)|43.2(1.19)|   22.4|24.3(0.63)|25.1(0.78)|22.6(1.33)| 24.0(1.05)
Amount of student tardiness and class     |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  cutting in this school interferes       |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  with my teaching .......................|   27.9|31.6(0.36)|25.6(0.49)|43.5(0.47)|29.9(0.91)|    8.6|15.1(0.45)|13.3(0.59)|16.6(0.97)| 17.0(0.76)
Rules for student behavior are            |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  consistently enforced by teachers in    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  this school, even for students who      |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  are not in their classes ...............|   61.8|62.6(0.39)|71.2(0.54)|45.9(0.48)|60.5(1.00)|   77.6|76.1(0.51)|81.3(0.65)|64.1(1.08)| 74.3(1.08)
I am satisfied with my class sizes .......|   64.9|67.6(0.36)|66.9(0.52)|68.0(0.36)|79.8(0.92)|   84.4|85.5(0.47)|82.1(0.73)|80.9(0.97)| 92.6(0.54)
I am satisfied with my teaching salary ...|   44.9|39.4(0.36)|37.9(0.54)|42.2(0.46)|40.5(1.10)|   41.6|41.8(0.75)|35.6(0.97)|42.5(1.20)| 50.4(1.51)
I sometimes feel it is a waste of time    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  to try to do my best as a teacher ......|   26.8|20.3(0.29)|18.4(0.42)|23.9(0.33)|23.2(0.96)|   13.4|10.6(0.38)| 9.7(0.54)|14.0(0.79)| 10.1(0.65)
I plan with the librarian/media           |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  specialist for the integration of       |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  services into my teaching ..............|   66.9|58.7(0.38)|58.9(0.54)|58.9(0.37)|53.0(1.40)|   60.6|48.7(0.74)|47.5(1.09)|53.3(1.28)| 48.3(1.42)
Necessary materials are available as      |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  needed by staff ........................|   73.1|75.0(0.33)|75.1(0.49)|74.9(0.35)|75.7(0.92)|   85.7|88.9(0.38)|87.9(0.56)|88.0(0.78)| 90.8(0.68)
I worry about the security of my job      |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  because of the performance of my        |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  students on state or local tests........|   --- |28.9(0.37)|31.2(0.51)|24.4(0.37)|28.4(0.93)|   --- | 6.8(0.31)| 7.1(0.39)| 5.3(0.47)|  7.1(0.63)
I am given the support I need to teach    |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  students with special needs.............|   --- |60.6(0.33)|60.3(0.50)|60.7(0.37)|65.2(1.26)|   --- |66.6(0.58)|65.2(0.76)|62.2(1.07)| 70.8(1.19)
I am generally satisfied with being a     |       |          |          |          |          |       |          |          |          |
  teacher at this school..................|   --- |89.7(0.24)|90.0(0.34)|89.3(0.25)|87.8(1.03)|   --- |93.2(0.28)|92.4(0.43)|93.6(0.52)| 94.1(0.47)

---Not available.

NOTE: Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public Teacher Questionnaire," 1993-94 and 1999-2000, "Private Teacher Questionnaire," 1993-94 and 1999-2000, and "Charter Teacher Questionnaire," 1999-2000. (This table was prepared June 2002.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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