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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 336. Current-fund revenue of degree-granting institutions, by source of funds: Selected years, 1919-20 through 1995-96

[In thousands of current dollars]
Year Current-fund revenue, by source of funds
Total Student tuition and fees1 Federal government2 State governments3 Local governments Endowment earnings Private gifts and grants4 Sales and services of educational activities Auxiliary enterprises Hospitals5 Other current income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Institutions of higher
1919–20 $199,922 $42,255 $12,783 $61,690 (7) $26,482 $7,584 $26,993 $22,135
1929–30 554,511 144,126 20,658 150,847 (7) 68,605 26,172 60,419 83,684
1939–40 715,211 200,897 38,860 151,222 $24,392 71,304 40,453 $32,777 143,923 11,383
1949–50 2,374,645 394,610 524,319 491,636 61,700 96,341 118,627 111,987 511,265 64,160
1959–60 5,785,537 1,157,482 1,036,990 1,374,476 151,715 206,619 382,569 102,525 1,004,283 $187,769 181,110
1969–70 21,515,242 4,419,845 4,130,066 5,873,626 778,162 516,038 1,129,438 612,777 2,900,390 619,578 535,323
1975–76 39,703,166 8,171,942 6,477,178 12,260,885 1,616,975 687,470 1,917,036 645,420 4,547,622 2,494,340 884,298
1976–77 43,436,827 9,024,932 7,169,031 13,285,684 1,626,908 764,788 2,105,070 779,058 4,919,602 2,859,376 902,377
1977–78 47,034,032 9,855,270 6,968,501 14,746,166 1,744,230 832,286 2,320,368 882,715 5,327,821 3,268,956 1,087,719
1978–79 51,837,789 10,704,171 7,851,326 16,363,784 1,573,018 985,242 2,489,366 1,037,130 5,741,309 3,763,453 1,328,991
1979–80 58,519,982 11,930,340 8,902,844 18,378,299 1,587,552 1,176,627 2,808,075 1,239,439 6,481,458 4,373,384 1,641,965
1980–81 65,584,789 13,773,259 9,747,586 20,106,222 1,790,740 1,364,443 3,176,670 1,409,730 7,287,290 4,980,346 1,948,503
1981–82 72,190,856 15,774,038 9,591,805 21,848,791 1,937,669 1,596,813 3,563,558 1,582,922 8,121,611 5,838,565 2,335,084
1982–83 77,595,726 17,776,041 9,631,097 23,065,636 2,031,353 1,720,677 4,052,649 1,723,484 8,769,521 6,531,562 2,293,706
1983–84 84,417,287 19,714,884 10,406,166 24,706,990 2,192,275 1,873,945 4,415,275 1,970,747 9,456,369 7,040,662 2,639,973
1984–85 92,472,694 21,283,329 11,509,125 27,583,011 2,387,212 2,096,298 4,896,325 2,126,927 10,100,410 7,474,575 3,015,483
1985–86 100,437,616 23,116,605 12,704,750 29,911,500 2,544,506 2,275,898 5,410,905 2,373,494 10,674,136 8,226,635 3,199,186
1986–87 108,809,827 25,705,827 13,904,049 31,309,303 2,799,321 2,377,958 5,952,682 2,641,906 11,364,188 9,277,834 3,476,760
1987–88 117,340,109 27,836,781 14,771,954 33,517,166 3,006,263 2,586,441 6,359,282 2,918,090 11,947,778 10,626,566 3,769,787
1988–89 128,501,638 30,806,566 15,893,978 36,031,208 3,363,676 2,914,396 7,060,730 3,315,620 12,855,580 11,991,265 4,268,618
1989–90 139,635,477 33,926,060 17,254,874 38,349,239 3,639,902 3,143,696 7,781,422 3,632,100 13,938,469 13,216,664 4,753,051
1990–91 149,766,051 37,434,462 18,236,082 39,480,874 3,931,239 3,268,629 8,361,265 4,054,703 14,903,127 15,149,672 4,945,998
1991–92 161,395,896 41,559,037 19,833,317 40,586,907 4,159,876 3,442,009 8,977,271 4,520,890 15,758,599 17,240,338 5,317,651
1992–93 170,880,503 45,346,071 21,014,564 41,247,955 4,444,875 3,627,773 9,659,977 5,037,901 16,662,850 18,124,015 5,714,523
1993–94 179,226,601 48,646,538 22,076,385 41,910,288 4,998,306 3,669,536 10,203,062 5,294,030 17,537,514 18,959,776 5,931,167
1994–95 189,120,570 51,506,876 23,243,172 44,343,012 5,165,961 3,988,217 10,866,749 5,603,251 18,336,094 19,100,217 6,967,023
1995–96 197,414,848 54,725,982 23,879,098 45,621,627 5,589,988 4,570,933 11,942,987 5,552,907 18,861,585 18,672,680 7,997,061
Degree-granting institutions                      
1995–96 197,973,236 55,260,293 23,939,075 45,692,673 5,607,909 4,562,171 11,903,126 5,530,763 18,867,540 18,611,570 7,998,116
— Not available.
1 Tuition and fees received from veterans under Public Law 550 are reported under student fees and are not under income from the federal government.
2 Federally supported student aid that is received through students is included under tuition and auxiliary enterprises.
3 Includes federal aid received through state channels and regional compacts, through 1959–60.
4 Beginning in 1969–70, the private grants also include nongovernmental revenue for sponsored research, student aid, and other sponsored programs.
5 Prior to 1959–60, data for hospitals are included under sales and services of educational activities.
6 Institutions that were accredited by an agency or association that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or recognized directly by the Secretary of Education.
7 Income from state and local governments tabulated under "State governments."
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. (See Guide to Sources for details.) Data for years prior to 1969–70 are not entirely comparable with data for later years. Also, some details for 1969–70 are not directly comparable with data for later years. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1919–20; Biennial Survey of Education in the United States, 1929–30 through 1959–60; Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education," 1969–70 through 1985–86; and 1986–87 through 1995–96 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY86–96). (This table was prepared October 1998.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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