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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 223. Graduate enrollment in science and engineering programs in degree-granting institutions, by field of study: Fall 1993 through fall 2005
Field of engineering or science 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Percent change, 1993 to 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Total, all sciences and engineering 504,409 504,399 499,640 494,079 487,208 485,627 493,256 493,311 509,620 540,417 567,170 574,937 583,226 15.6
Engineering 116,872 113,024 107,201 103,224 101,148 100,038 101,691 104,112 109,493 119,668 127,377 123,566 120,473 3.1
Aerospace 3,940 3,715 3,343 3,208 3,083 3,137 3,349 3,407 3,451 3,685 4,048 4,089 4,170 5.8
Agricultural 1,018 1,061 1,037 1,012 941 925 934 899 907 952 1,058 1,041 1,059 4.0
Biomedical 2,675 2,750 2,732 2,732 2,847 2,905 3,121 3,241 3,639 4,338 5,301 5,807 6,067 126.8
Chemical 7,554 7,639 7,452 7,408 7,288 7,093 6,883 7,056 6,913 7,414 7,516 7,452 7,173 -5.0
Civil 19,583 19,925 19,218 18,528 17,193 16,517 16,226 16,451 16,665 17,713 18,890 18,561 18,050 -7.8
Electrical 35,290 33,020 30,861 29,941 30,787 31,384 31,822 33,611 36,100 39,948 41,763 38,995 37,444 6.1
Engineering science 2,180 2,089 1,955 1,751 1,647 1,701 1,627 1,632 1,798 2,121 2,240 2,198 1,951 -10.5
Industrial/manufacturing 13,905 13,992 13,475 12,675 11,957 11,221 11,803 12,119 12,940 14,033 14,313 13,852 13,614 -2.1
Mechanical 18,477 17,761 16,363 15,509 15,045 14,696 14,956 15,235 15,852 17,139 18,393 17,852 17,387 -5.9
Metallurgical/materials 5,410 5,228 4,956 4,747 4,688 4,680 4,481 4,377 4,721 4,992 5,131 5,059 5,160 -4.6
Mining 427 424 373 371 348 304 328 287 240 267 278 308 279 -34.7
Nuclear 1,306 1,246 1,154 980 868 821 830 792 801 795 885 971 1,013 -22.4
Petroleum 725 624 610 562 561 571 642 627 656 766 849 845 808 11.4
Other engineering 4,382 3,550 3,672 3,800 3,895 4,083 4,689 4,378 4,810 5,505 6,712 6,536 6,298 43.7
All sciences 387,537 391,375 392,439 390,855 386,060 385,589 391,565 389,199 400,127 420,749 439,793 451,371 462,753 19.4
Physical sciences 35,328 34,466 33,399 32,333 31,105 30,575 30,691 30,385 31,038 32,341 34,298 35,761 36,396 3.0
Astronomy 880 973 912 874 778 820 832 888 916 990 1,080 1,119 1,191 35.3
Chemistry 20,131 19,803 19,570 19,334 18,774 18,482 18,416 18,105 18,366 19,045 20,049 20,776 21,122 4.9
Physics 13,841 13,162 12,425 11,728 11,147 10,809 10,869 10,841 11,248 11,701 12,555 13,298 13,472 -2.7
Other physical sciences 476 528 492 397 406 464 574 551 508 605 614 568 611 28.4
Earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences 15,721 15,957 15,716 15,183 14,548 14,258 14,083 13,941 13,841 14,240 14,620 15,131 14,827 -5.7
Atmospheric sciences 1,112 1,109 1,072 1,086 1,092 965 913 963 924 1,036 1,150 1,086 1,146 3.1
Geosciences 7,759 7,713 7,582 7,304 6,959 6,687 6,637 6,596 6,544 6,712 6,889 7,358 7,212 -7.0
Oceanography 2,627 2,870 2,723 2,615 2,479 2,562 2,624 2,668 2,585 2,618 2,695 2,801 2,760 5.1
Other environmental sciences 4,223 4,265 4,339 4,178 4,018 4,044 3,909 3,714 3,788 3,874 3,886 3,886 3,709 -12.2
Mathematical sciences 20,000 19,573 18,504 18,008 16,719 16,485 16,257 15,650 16,651 18,163 19,465 19,931 20,210 1.1
Mathematics and applied mathematics 16,945 16,457 15,386 14,948 14,027 13,827 13,521 12,823 13,569 14,702 15,569 15,964 16,106 -5.0
Statistics 3,055 3,116 3,118 3,060 2,692 2,658 2,736 2,827 3,082 3,461 3,896 3,967 4,104 34.3
Computer sciences 36,213 34,158 33,458 34,626 35,991 38,027 42,478 47,350 52,196 55,269 53,696 50,016 48,046 32.7
Life sciences 136,948 143,560 148,286 148,948 148,486 149,634 151,345 148,080 150,252 159,356 170,374 178,735 186,016 35.8
Agricultural sciences 11,950 12,242 12,768 12,301 12,203 12,168 12,312 12,023 12,235 12,698 13,197 13,445 13,123 9.8
Biological sciences 56,292 58,033 58,344 57,749 56,705 56,695 56,959 56,282 57,639 61,088 64,701 66,548 68,449 21.6
Anatomy 961 1,018 850 878 856 785 749 795 735 906 908 897 938 -2.4
Biochemistry 5,489 5,615 5,562 5,275 5,102 5,148 5,101 4,966 4,917 5,190 5,552 5,612 5,814 5.9
Biology 14,330 14,208 14,280 14,611 14,646 14,277 13,989 13,407 13,352 13,822 14,770 15,458 15,668 9.3
Biometry/epidemiology 2,658 2,710 2,810 3,005 2,896 3,514 3,704 3,615 3,817 4,071 4,439 4,674 4,805 80.8
Biophysics 780 794 845 833 748 737 710 751 877 953 1,032 1,180 1,183 51.7
Botany 2,714 2,748 2,295 2,213 2,082 2,042 1,974 1,904 1,921 1,973 1,901 1,831 1,860 -31.5
Cell biology 3,440 3,829 4,174 4,207 4,300 4,379 4,637 4,820 4,911 5,375 5,689 5,830 6,177 79.6
Ecology 1,410 1,566 1,702 1,632 1,640 1,670 1,704 1,762 1,888 1,967 2,230 2,185 2,165 53.5
Entomology/parasitology 1,247 1,263 1,241 1,234 1,161 1,168 1,145 1,104 1,170 1,191 1,206 1,241 1,126 -9.7
Genetics 1,785 1,699 1,712 1,741 1,776 1,727 1,783 1,712 1,841 1,909 2,073 2,129 2,155 20.7
Microbiology, immunology, and virology 5,021 5,094 5,026 4,912 4,805 4,773 4,815 4,814 4,798 5,208 5,256 5,375 5,401 7.6
Nutrition 4,388 4,791 5,071 4,918 4,604 4,486 4,508 4,413 4,429 4,539 4,695 4,771 4,817 9.8
Pathology 1,575 1,707 1,670 1,656 1,674 1,580 1,580 1,531 1,637 1,613 1,541 1,540 1,576 0.1
Pharmacology 2,651 2,839 2,710 2,663 2,597 2,730 2,757 2,963 3,140 3,234 3,357 3,122 3,114 17.5
Physiology 2,372 2,378 2,540 2,377 2,298 2,151 2,083 2,015 1,967 2,076 2,328 2,409 2,399 1.1
Zoology 2,042 2,028 1,958 1,808 1,627 1,586 1,523 1,445 1,411 1,349 1,301 1,236 1,264 -38.1
Other biosciences 3,429 3,746 3,898 3,786 3,893 3,942 4,197 4,265 4,828 5,712 6,423 7,058 7,987 132.9
Health fields 68,706 73,285 77,174 78,898 79,578 80,771 82,074 79,775 80,378 85,570 92,476 98,742 104,444 52.0
Medical fields 14,233 15,065 15,538 15,363 15,470 16,643 17,276 16,407 17,363 19,166 20,574 20,879 21,566 51.5
Other health fields 54,473 58,220 61,636 63,535 64,108 64,128 64,798 63,368 63,015 66,404 71,902 77,863 82,878 52.1
Dentistry 1,228 1,298 1,338 1,388 1,491 1,518 1,467 1,430 1,494 1,446 1,654 1,978 1,783 45.2
Nursing 24,781 26,997 28,405 27,388 26,861 25,591 25,074 23,457 23,609 24,715 26,649 29,781 31,670 27.8
Pharmaceutical sciences 2,859 2,887 2,808 2,846 2,710 2,882 3,422 3,611 3,679 4,538 5,493 5,218 6,091 113.0
Speech pathology/audiology 10,740 11,356 11,982 12,857 13,212 13,198 13,600 13,636 13,193 13,368 13,694 14,152 14,975 39.4
Veterinary sciences 924 922 975 997 1,224 1,288 1,314 1,367 1,476 1,691 1,719 1,732 1,970 113.2
Other health related 13,941 14,760 16,128 18,059 18,610 19,651 19,921 19,867 19,564 20,646 22,693 25,002 26,389 89.3
Psychology 54,557 54,554 53,641 53,122 53,126 52,557 51,727 50,466 50,467 51,165 52,211 54,218 57,412 5.2
Psychology, general 18,962 18,356 12,519 12,787 13,098 12,733 12,798 12,488 12,488 12,609 13,118 13,771 14,283 -24.7
Clinical psychology 12,526 12,684 17,647 16,833 17,249 17,098 16,238 15,624 15,837 15,159 15,580 16,276 16,786 34.0
Other psychology 23,069 23,514 23,475 23,502 22,779 22,726 22,691 22,354 22,142 23,397 23,513 24,171 26,343 14.2
Social sciences 88,770 89,107 89,435 88,635 86,085 84,053 84,984 83,327 85,682 90,215 95,129 97,579 99,846 12.5
Agricultural economics 2,415 2,289 2,338 2,117 2,043 1,995 2,014 2,079 2,161 2,187 2,318 2,195 2,118 -12.3
Anthropology 7,361 7,665 7,693 7,773 7,560 7,577 7,633 7,626 7,491 7,481 7,789 7,826 7,706 4.7
Economics (except agricultural) 13,214 12,913 12,673 12,080 11,097 10,701 10,562 10,748 11,408 12,009 12,316 12,318 11,805 -10.7
Geography 4,378 4,502 4,371 4,331 4,287 4,326 4,250 4,036 4,304 4,383 4,721 4,809 4,772 9.0
History and philosophy of science 369 387 401 409 443 508 557 532 571 663 737 994 965 161.5
Linguistics 3,321 3,279 3,194 3,156 3,068 2,935 2,799 2,674 2,744 2,875 3,028 2,941 3,187 -4.0
Political science 35,076 34,317 34,298 33,252 32,083 30,828 31,372 31,131 31,805 34,934 36,880 39,270 41,106 17.2
Sociology 9,425 9,498 9,564 9,425 9,413 9,058 8,966 8,652 8,812 8,946 9,127 8,874 9,037 -4.1
Sociology/anthropology 935 987 941 923 948 857 741 745 808 719 773 839 848 -9.3
Other social sciences 12,276 13,270 13,962 15,169 15,143 15,268 16,090 15,104 15,578 16,018 17,440 17,513 18,302 49.1
NOTE: The survey on which this table is based includes institutions in other jurisdictions, including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Studies, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering, 1993 through 2005. (This table was prepared May 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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