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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 136. SAT score averages of college-bound seniors, by selected student characteristics: Selected years, 1995-96 through 2006-07
Selected student characteristic 1995-96 1999-2000 2002-031 2004-051 2005-06 2006-07
Critical reading score Mathe-matics score Percentage distribution Critical reading score Mathe-matics score Percentage distribution Critical reading score Mathe-matics score Critical reading score Mathe-matics score Critical reading score Mathe-matics score Writing score2 Percentage distribution Critical reading score Mathe-matics score Writing score2  Percentage distribution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
All students 505 508 100 505 514 100 507 519 508 520 503 518 497 100 502 515 494 100
High school rank                                    
Top decile 591 606 22 589 608 585 607 585 606 580 604 577 31 580 602 575 32
Second decile 530 539 22 528 543 522 539 523 540 516 537 511 25 516 534 508 26
Second quintile 494 496 28 493 500 486 494 488 499 484 498 476 20 484 497 474 20
Third quintile 455 448 24 455 453 449 449 452 455
Fourth quintile 429 418 4 425 419 420 417 425 424
Fifth quintile 411 401 1 408 401 410 410 426 430
Bottom three quintiles3  443 449 435 23 444 450 434 22
High school grade point average                                    
A+ (97-100) 617 632 6 610 628 7 607 625 607 625 602 621 599 7 604 620 599 7
A (93-96) 573 583 14 567 582 16 566 583 570 585 563 582 559 18 565 581 559 18
A- (90-92) 545 554 15 540 553 17 538 552 541 555 534 552 529 18 534 550 528 18
B (80-89) 486 485 49 482 486 47 480 485 484 491 479 489 471 46 478 486 469 45
C (70-79) 432 426 15 428 426 12 425 424 430 432 426 428 414 11 424 427 411 11
D, E, or F (below 70) 414 408 # 405 406 # 416 430 415 439 406 413 389 # 403 412 388 #
Intended college major4                                     
Agriculture/natural resources 491 484 2 490 486 1 484 482 487 486 481 485 469 1 476 480 463 1
Architecture/environmental design 492 519 3 494 524 2 483 511 495 527 488 528 485 3 492 535 486 3
Area, ethnic, cultural and gender studies 547 514 533 #
Arts: visual/performing 520 497 6 518 502 8 514 500 521 506 516 502 507 9 517 503 507 9
Biological sciences 546 545 6 544 548 5 543 553 547 558 540 554 532 6 540 552 531 6
Business and commerce 483 500 13 487 510 14 489 512 491 515 486 511 481 15 485 510 479 15
Communications 527 497 4 526 505 4 524 506 527 509 522 504 520 4 523 501 519 4
Computer or information sciences 497 522 3 499 533 6 503 535 508 535 503 534 482 4 505 533 481 3
Construction trades 415 447 402 #
Education 487 477 8 483 481 9 482 483 486 488 480 484 478 8 480 483 476 8
Engineering 525 569 8 523 573 8 525 574 529 579 519 577 506 8 524 579 510 8
Engineering technologies/techniques 451 491 435 1
Foreign/classical languages 556 534 # 558 539 1 564 545 575 551 572 549 563 1 581 549 569 1
General/interdisciplinary 576 553 # 562 545 # 547 539 546 535 542 532 532 #
Health and allied services 500 505 19 497 505 16 489 498 490 501 485 498 483 18 487 498 484 19
History 556 518 528 1
Home economics5  458 452 # 462 462 # 462 462 463 466 462 466 461 # 463 464 458 #
Language and literature 605 545 1 608 552 1 603 550 606 552 597 541 584 2 596 536 581 2
Legal professions and studies 516 505 504 2
Liberal arts and sciences, general studies, and humanities 531 509 516 1
Library and archival sciences 554 512 # 556 511 # 572 512 577 511 579 509 542 # 592 517 544 #
Mathematics 552 628 1 551 630 1 545 626 545 626 539 624 537 1 533 614 529 1
Mechanic and repair technologies/technician 423 449 405 #
Military sciences 503 505 # 505 512 # 513 516 522 526 510 521 487 1 517 524 492 #
Multi/interdisciplinary studies 582 584 570 #
Natural resources and conservation 499 502 481 #
Parks, recreation, leisure and fitness studies 449 462 437 #
Personal and culinary services 444 440 432 #
Philosophy/religion/theology 560 536 # 560 539 1 562 544 561 542 557 537 535 1 563 538 541 #
Physical sciences 575 595 1 569 592 1 563 588 565 591 557 589 542 2 560 589 545 2
Precision production 442 462 409 #
Psychology 506 488 496 4
Public affairs and services 458 448 3 459 454 3 462 458 465 463 462 461 454 3 497 480 488 1
Security and protective services 455 457 444 2
Social sciences and history 532 509 11 532 513 11 531 514 540 522 539 519 525 9
Social sciences 569 544 551 3
Technical and vocational 435 441 1 442 452 1 441 450 445 456 437 454 421 1
Theology and religious vocations 541 524 521 #
Transportation and materials moving 476 495 461 #
Other 443 445 430 #
Undecided 500 507 7 512 521 7 516 528 517 530 512 530 502 3 519 535 508 3
Degree-level goal                                    
Certificate program 434 439 1 439 453 1 441 456 445 463 443 462 435 1 442 461 434 1
Associate's degree 422 415 2 420 419 2 417 416 420 421 416 420 409 1 415 419 407 1
Bachelor's degree 476 476 23 478 483 25 475 481 481 487 477 487 469 25 476 485 467 26
Master's degree 514 518 29 515 526 31 513 524 516 526 512 525 505 30 510 522 502 30
Doctor's or related degree 548 552 24 547 554 22 542 552 542 552 539 553 532 20 540 550 531 20
Other 430 438 1 442 454 1 441 453 442 464 439 456 436 1 436 452 432 1
Undecided 502 503 20 508 514 19 514 523 517 527 515 528 508 22 517 527 508 22
Family income6                                     
Less than $10,000 429 444 4 425 447 420 444 426 458 429 457 427 4 427 451 423 4
$10,000, but less than $20,000 456 464 8 447 460 437 452 443 463 445 465 440 7 453 472 446 8
$20,000, but less than $30,000 482 482 10 471 478 460 467 463 474 462 474 454 8 454 465 444 6
$30,000, but less than $40,000 497 495 12 490 493 480 484 480 487 478 488 470 10 476 485 466 9
$40,000, but less than $50,000 509 507 10 503 505 495 498 496 500 493 501 483 8 489 496 477 8
$50,000, but less than $60,000 517 517 9 511 515 504 508 505 509 500 509 490 9 497 504 486 8
$60,000, but less than $70,000 524 525 7 517 522 511 514 511 515 505 515 496 8 504 511 493 8
$70,000, but less than $80,000 531 533 6 524 530 518 523 517 522 511 521 502 9 508 516 498 9
$80,000 to $100,000 541 544 7 536 543 529 536 529 534 523 534 514 13 520 529 510 14
More than $100,000 560 569 9 558 571 555 568 554 565 549 564 543 24 544 556 537 26
Highest level of parental education                                    
No high school diploma 414 439 4 413 442 4 413 443 419 452 418 445 418 4 421 445 418 4
High school diploma 475 474 35 472 477 33 470 475 471 479 467 478 460 31 466 476 457 31
Associate's degree 489 487 8 488 491 9 487 491 489 494 484 493 474 8 484 492 473 9
Bachelor's degree 525 529 28 525 533 29 525 534 527 536 522 536 514 30 522 533 513 30
Graduate degree 556 558 25 558 566 25 559 569 561 570 558 571 552 27 560 569 552 26
— Not available.
† Not applicable.
# Rounds to zero.
‡Reporting standards not met.
1 Percentage distribution not reported since this year had less than 80 percent combined unit and item response rate.
2 Writing data are based on students who took the SAT writing section, which was introduced in March 2005.
3 Beginning in 2005-06, the College Board has reported third, fourth, and fifth quintiles as the bottom three quintiles instead of reporting them separately as in previous years.
4 Data may not be comparable over time because of additions to the list of majors and changes in subspecialties within majors.
5 Home economics was changed to Family and consumer sciences/human sciences as of 2006-07.
6 Because income categories have not been adjusted for inflation over time, the distribution of students has shifted toward the higher income categories. Differences between specific categories over time should be interpreted with caution.
NOTE: Data are for seniors who took the SAT any time during their high school years through March of their senior year. If a student took a test more than once, the most recent score was used. The SAT was formerly known as the Scholastic Assessment Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Possible scores on each part of the SAT range from 200 to 800. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and survey item nonresponse.
SOURCE: College Entrance Examination Board, College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile [National] Report, selected years, 1995-96 through 2006-07, retrieved August 28, 2007, from (This table was prepared August 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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