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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 58. Enrollment and instructional staff in Catholic elementary and secondary schools, by level: Selected years, 1919-20 through 2006-07
School year Number of schools Enrollment Instructional staff
Total Elementary Secondary Total Elementary Secondary Total Elementary Secondary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1919-20 8,103 6,551 1,552 1,925,521 1,795,673 129,848 49,516 1  41,592 1  7,924 1 
1929-30 10,046 7,923 2,123 2,464,467 2,222,598 241,869 72,552 1  58,245 1  14,307 1 
1939-40 10,049 7,944 2,105 2,396,305 2,035,182 361,123 81,057 1  60,081 1  20,976 1 
1949-50 10,778 8,589 2,189 3,066,387 2,560,815 505,572 94,295 1  66,525 1  27,770 1 
Fall 1960 12,893 10,501 2,392 5,253,791 4,373,422 880,369 151,902 1  108,169 1  43,733 1 
1969-70 11,352 9,366 1,986 4,367,000 3,359,000 1,008,000 195,400 2  133,200 2  62,200 2 
1970-71 11,350 9,370 1,980 4,363,566 3,355,478 1,008,088 166,208   112,750   53,458  
1974-75 10,127 8,437 1,690 3,504,000 2,602,000 902,000 150,179   100,011   50,168  
1975-76 9,993 8,340 1,653 3,415,000 2,525,000 890,000 149,276   99,319   49,957  
1979-80 9,640 8,100 1,540 3,139,000 2,293,000 846,000 147,294   97,724   49,570  
1980-81 9,559 8,043 1,516 3,106,000 2,269,000 837,000 145,777   96,739   49,038  
1981-82 9,494 7,996 1,498 3,094,000 2,266,000 828,000 146,172   96,847   49,325  
1982-83 9,432 7,950 1,482 3,007,189 2,211,412 795,777 146,460   97,337   49,123  
1983-84 9,401 7,937 1,464 2,969,000 2,179,000 790,000 146,913   98,591   48,322  
1984-85 9,325 7,876 1,449 2,903,000 2,119,000 784,000 149,888   99,820   50,068  
1985-86 9,220 7,790 1,430 2,821,000 2,061,000 760,000 146,594   96,741   49,853  
1986-87 9,102 7,693 1,409 2,726,000 1,998,000 728,000 141,930   93,554   48,376  
1987-88 8,992 7,601 1,391 2,623,031 1,942,148 680,883 139,887   93,199   46,688  
1988-89 8,867 7,505 1,362 2,551,119 1,911,911 639,208 137,700   93,154   44,546  
1989-90 8,719 7,395 1,324 2,589,000 1,983,000 606,000 136,900   94,197   42,703  
1990-91 8,587 7,291 1,296 2,475,439 1,883,906 591,533 131,198   91,039   40,159  
1991-92 8,508 7,239 1,269 2,442,924 1,856,302 586,622 153,334   109,084   44,250  
1992-93 8,423 7,174 1,249 2,444,842 1,860,937 583,905 154,816   109,825   44,991  
1993-94 8,345 7,114 1,231 2,444,609 1,859,947 584,662 157,201   112,199   45,002  
1994-95 8,293 7,055 1,238 2,475,207 1,877,782 597,425 164,219 3  117,620 3  46,599 3 
1995-96 8,250 7,022 1,228 2,491,111 1,884,461 606,650 166,759 3  118,753 3  48,006 3 
1996-97 8,231 7,005 1,226 2,497,198 1,885,037 612,161 153,276 3  107,548 3  45,728 3 
1997-98 8,223 7,004 1,219 2,497,894 1,879,737 618,157 152,259 3  105,717 3  46,542 3 
1998-99 8,217 6,990 1,227 2,496,488 1,876,211 620,277 153,081 3  105,943 3  47,138 3 
1999-2000 8,144 6,923 1,221 2,653,038 2,013,084 639,954 157,134 3  109,404 3  47,730 3 
2000-01 8,146 6,920 1,226 2,647,301 2,004,037 643,264 160,731 3  111,937 3  48,794 3 
2001-02 8,114 6,886 1,228 2,616,330 1,971,627 644,703 155,658 3  108,485 3  47,173 3 
2002-03 8,000 6,785 1,215 2,553,277 1,906,870 646,407 163,004 3  112,884 3  50,120 3 
2003-04 7,955 6,727 1,228 2,484,252 1,842,918 641,334 162,337 3  112,303 3  50,034 3 
2004-05 7,799 6,574 1,225 2,420,590 1,793,773 626,817 160,153 3  107,764 3  52,389 3 
2005-06 7,589 6,386 1,203 2,363,220 1,726,773 636,447 152,502 3,4  103,481 3,4  49,021 3,4 
2006-07 7,498 6,288 1,210 2,320,651 1,682,412 638,239 159,135 3  107,682 3  51,453 3 
1 Includes part-time teachers.
2 Includes estimates for the nonreporting schools.
3 Reported in full-time equivalents (FTE).
4 Excludes the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
NOTE: Data collected by the National Catholic Educational Association and data collected by the National Center for Education Statistics are not directly comparable because survey procedures and definitions differ. Excludes prekindergarten enrollment. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: National Catholic Educational Association, A Statistical Report on Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools for the Years 1967-68 to 1969-70; A Report on Catholic Schools, 1970-71 through 1973-74; A Statistical Report on U.S. Catholic Schools, 1974-75 through 1980-81; and United States Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, 1981-82 through 2006-07. (This table was prepared May 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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